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A CQRS implementation influenced by jbogard/MediatR combined with vkhorikov/CSharpFunctionalExtensions Monads for Kentico Xperience applications.


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Xperience Community - CQRS

NuGet Package

NuGet Package

NuGet Package

A CQRS implementation influenced by combined with Maybe and Result monads for Kentico Xperience applications.


This package is compatible with ASP.NET Core 6+ and is designed to be used with Kentico Xperience 13.0

Note: This library requires Kentico Xperience 13: Refresh 1 (Hotfix 13.0.16 and later).

How to Use?

  1. This library is separated into (3) NuGet packages. Each package is associated with a different part of the Onion Architecture. You can install all of these into your web application project or isolate your Kentico Xperience types behind abstractions.

    • XperienceCommunity.CQRS.Core

      • Abstractions and implementations for the Domain, Persistence, and Presentation layers to implement.
      • Typically the project consuming this package doesn't have any reference to Kentico Xperience packages or APIs.
    • XperienceCommunity.CQRS.Data

      • Decorators and base classes for data access implementations.
      • The project consuming this package also uses Kentico Xperience data access APIs.
    • XperienceCommunity.CQRS.Web

      • Presentation layer cache and service collection registration utilities.
      • The project consuming this package is where your presentation logic is located (Razor/View Components/Controllers).
  2. First, install the NuGet package(s) in your ASP.NET Core projects (see the example project under /samples)

    dotnet add package XperienceCommunity.CQRS.Core
    dotnet add package XperienceCommunity.CQRS.Data
    dotnet add package XperienceCommunity.CQRS.Web
  3. Create a new implementation of IQuery<T>

    public record HomePageQuery : IQuery<HomePageQueryData>;
    public record HomePageQueryData(int DocumentID, string Title, Maybe<string> BodyHTML);
  4. Create a new implementation of IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResponse>

    public class HomePageQueryHandler : CacheableQueryHandler<HomePageQuery, HomePageQueryData>
        private readonly IPageRetriever retriever;
        public HomePageQueryHandler(IPageRetriever retriever) => this.retriever = retriever;
        public override Task<Result<HomePageQueryData>> Execute(HomePageQuery query, CancellationToken token) =>
            pageRetriever.RetrieveAsync<HomePage>(q => q.TopN(1), cancellationToken: token)
                .ToResult($"Could not find any [{HomePage.CLASS_NAME}]")
                .Map(homePage =>
                    var bodyHTML = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Fields.BodyHTML)
                        ? Maybe<string>.None
                        : p.Fields.BodyHTML;
                    return new HomePageQueryData(homePage.DocumentID, homePage.Fields.Title, bodyHTML);
        protected override ICacheDependencyKeysBuilder AddDependencyKeys(
            HomePageQuery query,
            HomePageQueryData response,
            ICacheDependencyKeysBuilder builder) =>

    Note: To be identified by the library, all Query and Command handler classes must be named with the suffix QueryHandler or CommandHandler.

  5. Register the library's dependencies with the service collection

    public class Startup
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // ...
  6. (Optional) Configure cache settings through appsettings.json:

    "XperienceCommunity": {
        "CQRS": {
            "Caching": {
                 "Razor": {
                     "CacheSlidingExpiration": "00:02:00",
                     "CacheAbsoluteExpiration": "00:06:00",
                     "IsEnabled": true
                 "Query": {
                     "CacheItemDuration": "00:10:00",
                     "IsEnabled": true,
                     "IsSlidingExpiration": true

    Note: If using dotnet watch for local development, it's recommended to disable Razor and Query caching because .NET's hot reloading does not know about the memory caching and changes to code might not be reflected due to cached information.

  7. (Optional) Configure cache settings through dependency injection:

    public class Startup
       public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
             .Configure<RazorCacheConfiguration>(c =>
                 c.IsEnabled = false;
             .Configure<QueryCacheConfiguration>(c =>
                 c.CacheItemDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20);
  8. Use queries in your MVC Controllers, application services, or View Components

    public class HomePageViewComponent : ViewComponent
        private readonly IQueryDispatcher dispatcher;
        public HomePageViewComponent(IQueryDispatcher dispatcher) =>
            this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
        public Task<IViewComponentResult> Invoke() =>
            dispatcher.Dispatch(new HomePageQuery(), HttpContext.RequestAborted)
                .ViewWithFallbackOnFailure(this, "HomePage", data => new HomePageViewModel(data));
    @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html
    @using XperienceCommunity.Sandbox.Web.Features.Home.Components
    @model HomePageViewModel
    @if (Model.ImagePath.TryGetValue(out string path))
        <img src="@path" alt="@Model.Title" />

How Does It Work?

This library's primary goal is to isolate data access into individual operations, with explicit and type-safe cache item names and dependencies. It models both content and operations with Maybe and Result monads.

Most Kentico Xperience 13.0 sites focus on data retrieval for the ASP.NET Core application and this library focuses on supporting robust data access. It also encourages data submission/modification operations (ex: commerce, external system integrations, user data management) to be separated from data retrieval.


To build this project, you must have v6.0.300 or higher of the .NET SDK installed.


Kentico Xperience


A CQRS implementation influenced by jbogard/MediatR combined with vkhorikov/CSharpFunctionalExtensions Monads for Kentico Xperience applications.








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