Backend for Windy 10v10ai with Firebase
- Firebase
- Hosting
- Functions
- Realtime Database
- NextJS
- Java
- Node v20
- Recommend install node use nvm
# firebase setting
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
# setup package
npm install
# web setting
firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
Install gCloud SDK:
# Authenticate with gcloud
gcloud auth login
npm run start
Need Authenticate with gcloud
# download data from storage (run only once)
rm -rf firestore-backup
mkdir firestore-backup
(cd firestore-backup && gsutil -m cp -r \
"gs://" \
"gs://" \
# start emulator with data
npm run start:with-data
gsutil install && 运行 gcloud init login ad
# debug (need start firebase emulator)
(cd api && npm run start:debug)
(cd api && npm run start -- --entryFile repl)
# unit tests
(cd api && npm run test)
# e2e tests (need stop firebase emulator)
(cd api && npm run test:e2e)
Tips: If debug or e2e test not working with address already used error, kill nodejs process by pkill -f node
, or try to restart winnat
net stop winnat
net start winnat
- Firebase Hosting: http://localhost:5000/api/
- Debug end points: http://localhost:3000/api/
- Function (Not used): http://localhost:5001/windy10v10ai/asia-northeast1/client/api/
- Firebase Emulator: http://localhost:4000/
- OpenAPI Document (Swagger): http://localhost:3000/api-doc
Github Action will deploy automatically when push to main branch.
- main: Deploy Firebase Functions and Hosting
- Deploy all
firebase deploy
- Deploy part
# Deploy api function only
firebase deploy --only functions:client
firebase deploy --only functions:afdian
firebase deploy --only functions:patreon
firebase deploy --only functions:admin
# Deploy all function
firebase deploy --only functions
# Deploy hosting only
firebase deploy --only hosting
# Deploy function and hosting
firebase deploy --only functions,hosting
- Create env in secret manager
- Set function run with secrets in index.ts
- Use secrets as
in code
- Update package.json
# install tool
`npm install -g npm-check-updates`
# cd to dir
cd api
# update package.json
ncu -u
# update package-lock.json
npm update
- gcloud cli
curl -H "Authorization: bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)"
## Get token
echo $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)
Import api/swagger-spec.yaml
to postman with variable baseUrl
firebase ext:install firebase/firestore-bigquery-export
or Edit firebase.json and create extensions/firestore-bigquery-export-xxx.env
"extensions": {
"firestore-bigquery-export-xxx": "firebase/[email protected]"
firebase deploy --only extensions
Setup gcloud default auth
gcloud auth application-default login
Run import command
sh ./extensions/
Create schema file table_name_schema.json
and run command.
sh ./extensions/