docker compose up
It's starting about 2 minutes, keep patient.
This is test task, so I use one mongoDB database for all collections we needed. I understand that microservices usually use one DB for one microservice. Also, for saving time, I decided to use Mongoose ODM, but it's not the best choice for production, because ORMs and ODMs are weak when we need to make advanced DB requests.
I understand, that this realization could be more abstract, but time is limited.
It was an interesting project, and I hope that this test task shows my code style well.
OPA is a middleware between user and backend. It's a flexible and useful tool to give and restrict access to some parts of the project. Especially good working with numerous of services that have been written in various programming languages. So we wouldn't change politics in various places, but write few rules in OPA.
Sorry for I'm not extending part A project with OPA, it's 5:30AM already. It's not excuse me for undone part, but I tried my best.
King regards, Vladimir Traigel