Program to simulate pedigree structures. The method can use sex-specific genetic maps and randomly assigns the sex of each parent (or uses user-specified sexes) when using such maps.
Version 1.4.5 introduces the --set_founders
Version 1.4.2 introduces the --dry_run
Version 1.4 chooses alleles from the first haplotype if males are input with heterozygous genotypes. Formerly Ped-sim picked an allele at random, but this effectively introduces switch errors into the transmitted haplotypes.
Version 1.3 now supports branch-specific sex assignments in the def file.
Version 1.2 now supports simulating the X chromosome. See the map
file section for code to generate a map file that includes X
chromosome positions from the Bhérer et al.
(2017) map. To simulate genetic data
(i.e., output a VCF file) that includes the X chromosome, specify sexes of
the input VCF using --sexes
To change the name Ped-sim considers as the X chromosome use the -X
- Pedigree Simulator
- Basic usage
- Compiling
- Def file (with examples)
- Map file
- Input VCF file
- Specifying sexes of samples in the input VCF
- Crossover model
- Output IBD segments file
- Output VCF file
- Output log file
- Sample ids for simulated individuals
- Output fam file
- Dry run for visualizing pedigrees
- Output BP file
- Output MRCA file
- Extra notes: sex-specific maps
- Citing Ped-sim
- Other optional arguments
- Specifying random seed
- Using specified crossovers
- Genotyping error rate
- Rate of opposite homozygote errors
- Missingness rate
- Pseudo-haploid rate
- X chromosome name
- Maintaining phase in output
- Assigning VCF ids to specific founders
- Listing input sample ids used as founders
- Retaining extra input samples
- Extraneous tools
./ped-sim -d <in.def> -m <map file> -o <out_prefix> --intf <filename>
To use a non-interference crossover model, i.e., a Poisson model, use:
./ped-sim -d <in.def> -m <map file> -o <out_prefix> --pois
The above both produce a file [out_prefix].seg
containing IBD segments and
, a log of what Ped-sim printed to stdout.
With the above input options, Ped-sim does not produce genetic data, but only IBD segments for artificial (ungenotyped) relatives. To simulate relatives with genetic data (and using crossover interference modeling), run:
./ped-sim -d <in.def> -m <map file> -i <in.vcf/in.vcf.gz> -o <out_prefix> --intf <filename>
Which will generate a third output file, [out_prefix].vcf
Run ped-sim
without arguments to see a summary of options. This document
gives a detailed description of the input and output files and all options.
To use Ped-sim to simulate from the def file example/second_deg.def
Obtain a genetic map. For humans, links and code to generate a sex-specific map in Ped-sim format are below.
Run Ped-sim:
./ped-sim -d example/second_deg.def -m refined_mf.simmap
-o output --intf interfere/nu_p_campbell.tsv
This uses the below genetic map, and human crossover interference
parameters stored in interfere/
The output.seg
file is the primary result of this run and lists the IBD
segments the samples share. This example does not include any input genetic
data and so does not produce any output genetic data.
Ped-sim requires either the boost developmental libraries or GSL (see below regarding GSL). With one of these libraries in place (and an update to the Makefile for GSL), most Linux/Unix-based users should simply be able to compile by running
Other systems may require editing of the Makefile or alternate means of compiling.
GSL: our analyses suggest that Ped-sim runs a bit faster with GSL (although the component that uses boost/GSL is quite fast regardless). Use the following to compile with the GSL library:
cp Makefile-gsl Makefile
The def file defines the pedigree structure(s) to be simulated. Comments are
allowed on a line by themselves beginning with #
. Example def files are in the
directory, and
descriptions of the example files are below.
The specification below is perhaps best for more advanced users. The
examples are a good place to start.
The first line of a pedigree definition contains four (or five) columns:
def [name] [#copies] [#generations] <sex of i1>
gives the name of the pedigree, which must be unique for each pedigree
structure in a given simulation run (i.e., a given def file). The simulator
uses this to generate the simulated individuals' sample ids (details in
Sample ids for simulated individuals).
gives the number of replicate simulations of the given pedigree
structure to produce. While the replicates all have the same structure, they
will descend from different founders and will have different randomized sex
assignments (when using sex specific maps and assuming sexes are not assigned),
and so are independent.
indicates the number of generations in the pedigree.
<sex of i1>
is an optional field giving the sex (F for female, M for male) of
the individual with id i1
(the reproducing individual) in each branch. See
Sample ids for simulated individuals.
After this first line, the def file lists simulation details corresponding to various generations in the pedigree. Each such line has the following format:
[generation#] [#samples_to_print] <#branches> <branch_specifications>
gives an integer value for the pedigree generation number. This
value can range from 1 (the earliest generation) to the total number of
generations included in the pedigree, as listed on the first line of the
definition ([#generations]
just above).
indicates how many samples the simulator should print for
each branch (see below for a definition of "branch") in the indicated
generation; it defaults to 0 so that Ped-sim prints no individuals in
generations not explicitly listed. All individuals in a given branch and given
generation have the same parents and so are full siblings of one another.
Because only one member of each branch can have children, setting this to a
value greater than 1 generates data for individuals that do not have any
offspring. To simulate a pedigree in which multiple full siblings each have
children, increase the number of branches in the third <#branches>
Note that founder spouses in a branch will be printed if this field is
greater than 0. These spouses do not count in the value of this field: the
field gives the number of full siblings to generate for each branch. Also note
that if a branch contains a founder individual (such as in generation 1), it
will only ever contain one individual (and any spouses of that person): the
value only controls whether (if it is greater than 0) or
not (if it is 0) Ped-sim prints that founder and his/her spouse(s).
Note: it is possible to print the members of specific branches (instead of
all individuals) in a given generation. See the "no-print" branch specification
described below.
is an optional field. By default:
Generation 1 has one branch that contains a founder individual, and generation 2 has two branches that are both children of the founder individual and his/her spouse from generation 1; thus they are full siblings.
Other than generations 1 and 2, every generation includes the same number of branches as the previous generation. In consequence, not all generations need an explicit listing in the def file.
For generation 1, multiple branches are allowed, and all such branches contain
only founder individuals. For all other generations, if the
field (described below) is empty, the parents of each
branch are as follows:
If the number of branches is an integer multiple n times the number of branches in the previous generation, individuals in branch i in the previous generation are the parents of branches n*(i-1)+1 through n*i in the current generation. (Thus, if the number of branches is the same, individuals in each branch i in the previous generation are the parents of branch i in the current generation.)
If the number of branches is less than the number of branches in the previous generation, individuals in each branch i in the previous generation are the parents of branch i in the current generation. (Thus some branches in the previous generation do not have children.)
If the number of branches is greater than but not divisible by the number of branches in the previous generation, branches 1 through n*p have parents assigned according to the integer multiple case above; here p is the branch number in the previous generation and n is the largest integer divisor by p of the number of branches in the current generation. The remaining branches n*p+1 through n*p+r contain founder individuals (as in generation 1), where r is the remainder branch number after integer division.
The above are defaults, and the parents of a branch can be assigned in the branch specifications.
is an optional set of one or more fields containing
(a) no-print branches, (b) sex assignments, and/or (c) non-default parent
assignments for a set of branches. By default, all branches have the same
number of individuals printed (given in the [#samples_to_print]
field), and
the sexes are assigned randomly.
No-print branches have the format:
Members of [current_branches]
will not be printed.
Sex assignments have two possible formats for males and females, respectively:
For example, 2sM
says that branch 2 in the current generation should contain
a male as the i1
individual and 1,3-5sF
indicates that the i1
in branches 1, 3, 4, and 5 should be female. (See just below for more detail on
.) Note these branch-specific sex assignments override
the <sex of i1>
field that appears on the def
line (see above).
Parent assignments have any of the following formats:
In all three cases, [current_branches]
contains a range of branches from the
current generation who should either not be printed, should have their sex
assigned or whose parents are assigned after the :
character. This can be a
single branch or comma separated list of branches such as 1,2,3
or, for a
contiguous range, you can use a hyphen as in 1-3
. Any combination of
contiguous ranges and comma separated sets of branches are allowed such as
For parent assignments:
If no text appears after the ':', the indicated branches will contain founder
individuals. For example, 1-3,5:
specifies that branches 1 through 3 and 5
should contain founders.
If only [parent_branch1]
is listed, the reproducing parent (i1
) from that
branch in the previous generation has children with a founder spouse. So for
example, 1,7:2
indicates that branches 1 and 7 will be the children of an
individual from branch 2 in the previous generation and a founder spouse.
Because these branches are listed together, they will contain full siblings.
To generate these branches as half-sibling children of branch 2, the
specification should be 1:2 7:2
. Here, branch 2 contains the parent of both
individuals, but the separate specifications for branches 1 and 7 ensures that
that parent has children with two different founder spouses, making the
children in the branches half-siblings.
If two parent branches are listed as in [parent_branch1]_[parent_branch2]
the two parents are from the indicated branches in the previous generation.
Thus, for example, 2,4:1_3
indicates that branches 2 and 4 from the current
generation are to be the children of the reproducing (i1
) individuals in
branches 1 and 3 in the previous generation.
To have parents from different generations, the format is
. Here, one
parent (the first one listed) is required to be in the previous generation and
the second parent comes from some other generation. Because the children are in
the current generation, the generation of both parents must be earlier than the
current one. As an example 2:1_3^2
indicates that branch 2 in the current
generation has parents from branch 1 in the previous generation and branch
3 from generation 2.
The simulator keeps track of the constraints on the sex of the parents implied
by the requested matings and will give an error if it is not possible to assign
sexes necessary to have offspring. For example, 1:1_3 2:1_4 3:3_4
impossible since the reproducing individuals in branches 3 and 4 must be the
same sex in order to both have children with the individual in branch 1.
The first def entry in example/cousins-1st_half_to_3rd.def
def full-1cousin 10 3
3 1
The first line names the pedigree full-1cousin
, and calls for 10 replicate
pedigrees to be generated. The last column, 3, says that the full-1cousin
pedigree spans three generations.
The following is a plot of the full-1cousin
pedigree, with generations
labeled and outlined in red, branches labeled and outlined in blue, and i1
individuals circled in purple (in generations 1 and 2). Only the individuals in
generation 3 are printed, and these individuals' shapes are filled in black;
non-printed individuals are unfilled. The sexes of these individuals are
random. (Use the plot-fam.R script
to generate black and white portions of this plot for your def file.)
This definition does not mention generations 1 and 2 (the line that reads
3 1
refers to generation 3), so those generations have the default number of
branches and do not have data printed for the individuals in them. By default,
generation 1 has one branch that contains one random individual (the i1
individual) and all spouses of this person. (For this pedigree, the generation
1 branch contains only one couple.)
Generation 2 has the default two branches, with the i1
individuals in these
branches being the children of the branch in generation 1 (strictly speaking,
of the couple in that branch). This means that the i1
individuals in these
branches are full siblings of each other.
The def line 3 1
says that in generation 3, 1 sample per branch should be
printed, and it does not specify the number of branches in this generation.
This means that generation 3 also has the default branch count, which is
assigned to be the same as the previous generation, or two branches. These
branches contain the children of the i1
individuals in the corresponding
branches in the previous generation, so generation 2, branch 1's child is in
generation 3, branch 1, and generation 2, branch 2's child is in generation 3,
branch 2.
This completes the definition of the pedigree, which will print a pair of first cousins.
The next two definitions are for second and third cousins:
def full-2cousin 10 4
4 1
def full-3cousin 10 5
5 1
These pedigrees differ from the first cousin pedigree in their names and numbers of generations: 4 and 5 for second and third cousins, respectively. Like the first cousin pedigree, they use the default branch counts for all generations. This means that generation 1 contains one branch, and all other generations have two branches. When successive generations have the same number of branches, branch i in one generation contains the parents of branch i in the next generation. (So branch 2's parents are in the previous generation's branch 2.)
The 4 1
and 5 1
lines specify that one sample per branch should be printed
in these generations, and lead to the production of the second and third
cousins as needed.
These two-line def entries are perhaps the simplest type and generate pairs of full cousins of any distance (determined by the number of generations).
Ped-sim also generates half-cousins, and the def file contains two more entries for printing half-first and half-second cousins. These involve a few more instructions:
def half-1cousin 10 3
2 0 2 1:1 2:1
3 1
This specifies a pedigree with the name half-1cousin
with 10 replicate copies
to be produced and 3 generations in the pedigree. As with the full first cousin
case, generation 1 uses the default of one branch.
The first part of the generation 2 definition reads 2 0 2
. The 0 indicates
that no samples from generation 2 should be printed, and the third column says
that this generation has 2 branches. These are in fact the default settings,
but must be explicitly listed ahead of the second, non-default part of this
The latter half of the generation 2 definition reads 1:1 2:1
. Here, 1:1
says that the current generation's branch 1 should contain a child of the
previous generation's (generation 1's) branch 1. Similarly, 2:1
says that the
current generation's branch 2 should contain a child of the previous
generation's branch 1. So both branches in generation 2 are children of the
same person, but because the specifications are separated, they are children of
two different spouses, so produce half-siblings. In contrast, if this line
specified 1,2:1
, the branches would contain full siblings.
With the two branches in generation 2 containing half-siblings, the remainder
of the definition is the same as for full cousins, with 3 1
indicating that
in generation 3, 1 sample per branch should be printed. This line leaves the
branch count as the default, meaning that it has two branches with the default
parents from the previous generation.
The half-second cousin definition is:
def half-2cousin 10 4
2 0 2 1:1 2:1
4 1
This has the same behavior in generation 2 as in the half-1cousin
yielding two branches with half-siblings in them. It keeps default behavior for
generation 3, with two branches that descend from generation 2. The 4 1
again calls the printing of 1 person per branch (with a default of two
branches) in generation 4. The printed pair are half-second cousins, as desired.
The first entry in the example/second_deg.def
file simulates 10 pedigrees
named grandparent
, with data printed for two grandparents and one grandchild.
def grandparent 10 3
1 1
2 0 1
3 1
This indicates that the founder individual (and therefore his/her spouse) from the branch in generation 1 (note: the default is one branch in generation 1) should have data printed. Generation 2 has a default of two branches, but since we only want one grandchild, we explicitly set this to one branch and do not print individuals from that generation. Generation 3 prints one individual, and it has only one branch since unspecified branch numbers are the same as the previous generation and that previous generation (2) has only one branch.
The second entry simulates 10 pedigrees named avuncular
def avuncular 10 3
2 1 2 1n
3 1 1
Here, generation 1 has the default of one branch with no data printed.
Generation 2 has two branches that are the full sibling children of the
founders in generation 1. The sibling in branch 2 gets printed, but because of
the no-print 1n
branch specification, neither member of branch 1 (i.e.,
the i1
individual [who is branch 2's full sibling] and his/her spouse) get
printed. Finally, generation 3 has one branch with one individual (the child
of generation 2's branch 1) that gets printed. Thus, for each replicate
pedigree, the program produces a pair of samples with an avuncular relationship.
The third entry simulates 10 pedigrees named hs
for half-sibling:
def hs 10 2
2 1 2 1:1 2:1
Here, generation 1 has the default of one branch with no data printed.
Generation 2 has two branches, and with the parent specification of 1:1 2:1
both these branches have the reproducing individual from branch 1 as a parent.
They are both also children of two distinct founders and are therefore
half-siblings. This prints two individuals per pedigree, one from each of the
branches in generation 2.
The last entry simulates 10 pedigrees named dc
for double cousins:
def dc 10 3
1 0 2
2 0 4
3 1 2 1:1_3 2:2_4
Generation 1 has two branches, both containing founders. Generation 2 has four branches: branches 1 and 2 are full sibling children of generation 1, branch 1; branches 3 and 4 are also full siblings and the children of generation 1, branch 2. In generation 3, there are only 2 branches: branch 1 contains the child of individuals from generation 2, branches 1 and 3; branch 2 contains the child of individuals from generation 2, branches 2 and 4. As the individuals in branches 1 and 2 are full siblings and those in branches 3 and 4 are also full siblings, the third generation samples are "double cousins." Only these two double cousin individuals from the last generation are printed.
The first entry in the example/full_half_1st_2nd_cousin.def
file simulates
a single pedigree that has four generations:
def full1-2-cous 1 4
3 0 4
4 1
Because the first two generations are not explicitly listed, they have the default number of branches: one and two for generations 1 and 2, respectively. Since the number of samples to print is 0 by default, no samples are printed from these generations. In generation 3, there are four branches, with generation 2, branch 1 containing the parents of branches 1 and 2, and generation 2, branch 2 containing the parents of branches 3 and 4. No samples from generation 3 are printed. Finally, generation 4 has four branches, the same as the previous generation, with one sample printed per branch, or a total of four individuals printed. Because the four branches in generation 3 included two sets of full siblings, two pairs of the four samples in generation 4 are first cousins. The other pairs are second cousins, and their most recent common ancestors are in generation 1.
The second entry in this file is very similar to the first:
def half1-2-cous 1 4
2 0 2 1:1 2:1
3 0 4
4 1
The only difference between this pedigree and the one above is in generation 2. This generation once again has two branches, and each branch has the reproducing individual from generation 1, branch 1 as one of their parents. However, because the specification is separated for the two branches and includes only branch number 1, these branches are the offspring of two different founder spouses and thus contain half-siblings. In consequence, the ultimate descendants in generation 4 are a mix of (full) first cousins and half-second cousins.
Example pedigrees with sex assignments are in
, which includes the three possible ways
that full first cousins can be related: through two brothers, two sisters, or a
sister and brother. Taking the second definition as an example:
def sis-1cousin 10 3
2 0 2 1sF 2sF
3 1
As in other example pedigrees for cousins, generation two contains two branches
and these default to having generation 1, branch 1 as their parent branch (and
they are therefore full siblings). The sex assignments are the last two fields
on the generation 2 line: 1sF
indicates that the reproducing (i1
individual in branch 1 should be female and 2sF
similarly says that
branch 2's i1
individual needs to be female.
The example/once-removed.def
def file includes three pedigrees that make use
of the no-print
branch specification in order to print relative pairs from
different generations (including first cousins once removed).
The genetic map file contains three columns for a sex-averaged map and four columns for male and female maps. The format of this file is:
[chromosome] [physical_position] [map_position0] <map_position1>
The chromosomes are expected to be listed in the same order as they are in any input VCF file, with the physical positions in increasing order. The chromosome names must also match the names in the input VCF file, and all chromosome names present in the map must also have corresponding records in the VCF.
is genetic position in centiMorgans, and should either be the
sex-averaged genetic position if using only one map, or should be the male
genetic position if using two maps. When using only one map, the simulator
samples all crossovers from that one map and does not distinguish male and
female parents.
is likewise a genetic position in centiMorgans and should
correspond to the female genetic position if given.
A high resolution human sex-specific genetic map is available here, and is described in Bhérer et al. (2017). To generate an autosomal map file in the format the simulator requires with both male and female genetic positions, run the following bash commands:
tar xvzf Refined_genetic_map_b37.tar.gz
printf "#chr\tpos\tmale_cM\tfemale_cM\n" > refined_mf.simmap
for chr in {1..22}; do
paste Refined_genetic_map_b37/male_chr$chr.txt Refined_genetic_map_b37/female_chr$chr.txt \
| awk -v OFS="\t" 'NR > 1 && $2 == $6 {print $1,$2,$4,$8}' \
| sed 's/^chr//' >> refined_mf.simmap;
This generates a file called refined_mf.simmap
that can be passed to the
To include the X chromosome from the Bhérer et al. map, run the above plus
the following commands (to retain both maps, change the first command to cp
instead of mv
mv refined_mf.simmap refined_mf_X.simmap
awk 'NR > 1 { print $1,$2,"0.0",$4 }' Refined_genetic_map_b37/female_chrX.txt \
| sed 's/^chr//' >> refined_mf_X.simmap
This produces a file called refined_mf_X.simmap
. If simulating with
interference the interfere/nu_p_campbell_X.tsv
file includes parameters for
the X chromosome.
Note: to output X chromosome data when using an input VCF, the --sexes
option is required, as described below.
When genetic data are needed, an input VCF is required to be provided with the
option. Given such a VCF, Ped-sim randomly samples individuals from this
data and uses them as founders. The VCF must contain phased data for all
individuals, with no missing data for any site. As most phasers automatically
impute missing data, the latter requirement should be to easy to meet.
The input VCF file can be gzipped, and if it is, Ped-sim prints the output VCF in gzipped format (but this output VCF is not bgzipped).
By default, Ped-sim treats the input samples as asexual, assigns them to
founders uniformly at random, and will only output autosomal genotypes. To
either respect the sexes of the input samples for autosomal data or to
generate output VCF data for the X chromosome, the sexes of the input VCF
samples must be specified. Use the --sexes <file>
option to supply this
information. It should have one line per sample of the form:
[sample id] [sex (M/F)]
Note that to simulate data on the X chromosome, the genetic map must contain positions for the X.
Ped-sim performs simulation from either of two crossover models: one that incorporates crossover interference, or a Poisson model. When the necessary parameters for crossover interference are available, we recommend using this model, as it is motivated by biological data and produces quite different results than a Poisson model. The two options for crossover models that Ped-sim supports are below.
The --intf <file>
option simulates from the Housworth and Stahl (2003)
crossover model. This model requires specification of nu
and p
parameters for each chromosome. The interference
subdirectory in the
repository contains a file nu_p_campbell.tsv
with estimates of these
parameters for the human autosomes from Campbell et al. (2015).
It also contains nu_p_campbell_X.tsv
which includes the X chromosome.
As with the VCF, the interference file must list chromosomes in the same order
as the genetic map, and the chromosome names must be identical to the genetic
map. The --intf
file requires parameters to be given for both sexes and
requires a genetic map for both males and females. Ped-sim will print an error
when running with --intf
if the genetic map only has one set of map
The format of the interference file is:
[chromosome] [nu_0] [p_0] [nu_1] [p_1]
The [nu_0]
and [p_0]
parameters correspond to the first genetic map given
(see Map file), which is assumed to be male, and the [nu_1]
and [p_1]
parameters correspond to the second genetic map, which is assumed
to be female.
Use the --pois
option to simulate using a Poisson crossover model.
Ped-sim generates a list of all simulated IBD segments among relative pairs whenever both samples have been requested to be printed. This file has nine fields:
[sample 1] [sample 2] [chromosome] [physical position start] [physical position end] [IBD type] [genetic position start] [genetic position end] [genetic length (end - start)]
The IBD type is one of IBD1
, IBD2
or HBD
. IBD1
indicates the pair shares
one IBD segment (on one of their two haplotypes) in the interval, and IBD2
indicates the pair shares two segments IBD in the region. HBD
stands for
homozygous by descent, also called a run of homozygosity (ROH), which is a
region where an individual is IBD with themselves. The latter only occurs in
the presence of inbreeding.
The output VCF contains the simulated individuals, including only those samples requested to be printed in the def file. For any generation in which there is a request to print one or more samples, the simulator prints any spouses in that generation as well as the primary branch individuals. See below for a description of the sample ids of the simulated individuals.
By default, the output VCF file is gzipped (Note: not bgzip'd) if the input
is gzipped. To make the output non-gzipped, use --nogz
Information about the simulation run appears in the log file and is a copy of
what is printed to the console during execution. Notably this includes the
random seed used for a given simulation. Supplying the same input files with
the same random seed (assignable with the --seed
option) will produce the
same simulation results.
The simulated individuals' sample ids have the format
, or for spouses of reproducing individuals,
. Here, [name]
is the pedigree name given in the
def file. The first number [#]
is the copy (i.e., replicate) number of the
pedigree which ranges from 1 to the number of copies of the given pedigree
structure requested in the def file (i.e., [#copies]
above). The g[#]
portion of the id gives the generation number of the individual, which ranges
from 1 to the total number of generations in the pedigree. b[#]
gives the
branch number the sample is contained in in the indicated generation; this
ranges from 1 to the total number of branches in that generation. Finally,
gives the individual number in the given branch and generation. This
ranges from 1 to the total number of samples requested to be simulated in the
generation. Individual i1
is the reproducing individual that is the parent of
any descendant branches. When i1
does have children, his/her founder spouse(s)
have the same prefix id but end in s[#]
, with the number ranging from 1 to
the total number of spouses of the i1
individual. The number of spouses will
only be 1 unless parent specifications appear in the def file that indicate more
founder spouses should be used.
When using the --fam
(or --dry_run
) option, the simulator produces a PLINK
format fam file called [out_prefix]-everyone.fam
with the simulated pedigree
structures. This fam file contains all generated samples, including those
that are not requested to be printed in the def file. This enables the
relationships between all samples to be determined from the fam file alone.
Because the fam file contains all simulated samples, including those that are
not requested to be printed, it is for reference only (and to visualize
structures with plot-fam.R.
It should not be used as a replacement for PLINK fam files with PLINK bed,
bim, and fam data: use one converted to from the VCF. (Running plink 1.9
with --vcf [out_prefix].vcf --out [out_prefix] --make-bed
generates data
in PLINK format.)
The --dry_run
option does several things:
- Enables
. - Only produces one replicate copy of each pedigree.
- Disables all other outputs regardless of the options given to Ped-sim (so Ped-sim will not print IBD segments, a VCF, BP file, or an MRCA file).
The intended purpose of this option is to visualize the simulated pedigrees
with plot-fam.R. That script
produces a plot for every pedigree in the fam file it is given, and --dry_run
ensures that there is only one copy of each pedigree in the fam file Ped-sim
generates regardless of the number of copies specified in the def file.
When using the --bp
option, Ped-sim prints a break points (BP) file that lists
complete information about each sample's haplotypes. All founders have a unique
numerical id for each of their two haplotypes, starting from 0 and ranging to
2*F-1, where F is the total number of founders in all simulated pedigrees.
Within the BP file, there are two lines for every sample requested to be printed
(according to the def file). Each line begins with the sample id (described
above) of the simulated individual, the sex of that person, either s0
for male
or s1
for female, the haplotype that line describes, h0
or h1
, and then a
variable number of segments for each chromosome.
For each simulated chromosome, there is starting physical position and one or more break points. The start description is listed as
[chromosome]|[start physical position]
Following this, break points where crossovers occurred are indicated as
[founder haplotype]:[physical position]
The range of physical positions between the previous break point (or start
physical position for the first segment) descend from [founder haplotype]
number. For example, consider:
grandparent2_g3-b1-i1 s0 h0 22|17178586 9:25639567 8:45864504 6:51039778
This line describes the haplotypes and break points inherited by an individual
with id grandparent2_g3-b1-i1
. That individual is simulated as male (s0
and the description is for their first haplotype (h0
). Only chromosome 22 is
listed, and it begins at position 17178586
. Note that the start and end
positions -- the last break point position on any chromosome -- are dictated by
the input genetic map. The first break point 9:25639567
indicates that this
individual inherited haplotype 9 from position 17,178,586 through 25,639,567,
inclusive. The next break point 8:45864504
designates that the individual
inherited haplotype 8 from position 25,639,568 through 45,864,504. And the final
break point of 6:51039778
says that the individual received haplotype 6 from
position 45,864,505 through 51,039,778, the latter of which ends the chromosome.
With the --mrca
option, Ped-sim prints a file with the id of the founder in
which every IBD/HBD segment coalesces in. The file has the same line count as
the IBD segment file, with entries in each file corresponding to each other.
Note: this may lead to more IBD segments being printed. When printing
segments, Ped-sim merges adjacent segments, but with --mrca
this merging
only takes place if the adjacent segments descend from the same founder.
When simulating with sex-specific maps, it is necessary to include data for all chromosomes in one run. This is because sex is assigned randomly, but only once per run. Thus, to maintain consistency of the sex of each individual in a given pedigree (and across chromosomes), all chromosomes need to be included in the same run.
If you use Ped-sim in your work, please cite Caballero et al. (2019);
if you use the Refined genetic map (named refined_mf.simmap
in the example
code), please cite Bhérer et al. (2017);
and if you use the interfere/nu_p_campbell.tsv
interference parameters, please
cite Campbell et al. (2015).
The --seed <#>
option enables specification of the random seed to be used.
Without this option, the simulator generates a random seed using the current
time (including microseconds).
The --fixed_co <filename>
option simulates from crossovers provided in the
indicated file, which may be from real crossover data. The format of the file
is one row per crossover, with the following information on each line:
[proband id] [maternal or paternal] [chromosome] [crossover physical position]
Ped-sim ignores any extra fields that follow these four. The first field can
be any string (with no white space), and field two must be either M
or P
For a given meiosis, the proband id and the maternal/paternal meiosis type must
be the same for each crossover. The simulator randomly assigns crossovers from
a given proband and maternal/paternal type to each meiosis, matching the sex of
the parent undergoing meiosis to the maternal/paternal type. It uses all
crossovers from a given meiosis except those outside the range of the input
genetic map.
The crossovers must be sorted, first by proband id, second by maternal/paternal type (so that all the crossovers from a given meiosis appear in succession), third by chromosome name, and last by physical position. As with other files, the chromosomes must be listed in the same order as the input VCF (or genetic map if not using a VCF), and the chromosome names must also be identical to those other files.
To more accurately mimic real data, the simulator introduces genotyping errors at a specified rate, defaulting to 1e-3. Set this value to 0 to keep the allelic values identical to those in the founder haplotypes (from the input VCF).
Note: only pedigree samples have genotyping errors introduced;
samples maintain their original calls
SNP array genotype calling works by clustering allele intensities among a set
of samples. So if an individual is truly homozygous, its intensities are more
likely to fall in either the correct cluster or the heterozygous cluster, with
a lower probability of being called homozygous for the opposite allele. While
we are unaware of a study that looks at error rates by "true" genotype class in
SNP array data, the --err_hom_rate
option provides the ability to produce
different rates of errors for genotypes that are truly homozygous. The default
rate for generating an erroneous genotype that is homozygous for the opposite
alleles relative to the truth is 0, so errors in homozygous genotypes produce a
heterozygote. If set to, say, .1, whenever Ped-sim is changing a homozygous
genotype to an erroneous value, 10% of the time it assigns the genotype as
homozygous for the opposite allele, and 90% of the time it uses a heterozygous
genotype. For equal rates of both these classes, set the rate for this option
to .5. Values even as high as .1 are likely to be fairly unrealistic (based on
some internal analyses) and so the default rate is 0.
As real data includes missingness, the simulator introduces missing genotype calls at a rate specified by this parameter, with a default of 1e-3. Set this value to 0 for no missing genotypes.
Ped-sim allows either --miss_rate
or --pseudo_hap
, but not both.
Note: only pedigree samples have sites set to missing; --retain_extra
samples maintain their original calls
The --pseudo_hap
option generates pseudo-haploid data with mean pseudo-haploid
coverage given by the argument (e.g., --pseudo_hap .1
will randomly select
sites with data at a rate of .1, and the remaining sites will be missing data).
Sites that do have data are all haploid for random allele sampled from the two
original ones and are coded as homozygous.
Ped-sim allows either --miss_rate
or --pseudo_hap
, but not both.
Note: only pedigree samples have sites set to missing or pseudo-haploid;
samples maintain their original calls
By default the simulator produces a VCF with unphased genotypes. The
option will instead generate a VCF in which the samples are
By default, all chromosomes are simulated as if they are autosomal with the
exception of the X chromosome. Any input chromosome in the genetic map whose
name is (by default) 'X' is modeled as an X chromosome within males: they
inherit only one copy from their mothers and only transmitting their X to their
female offspring. (To prevent recombination, the genetic map file should have
0.0 length in males, as generated by the bash code above for a map in humans.)
The -X
option allows this name to be changed in case your map and VCF
(if using) have a different label such as chrX
With default options, Ped-sim randomly assigns VCF ids to the founders, matching
the sexes if the --sexes
option is given. The --set_founders
option allows
users to specify which VCF id should be assigned to a given founder. Whereas
Ped-sim's random assignment always maps any VCF id to one (or zero) founder(s),
with this option, a VCF id can be assigned to any number of founders. (However,
each founder can only be assigned to one VCF id.)
The --set_founders
file contains two columns:
[Ped-sim founder id] [VCF id]
Note that when printing multiple replicates of the same pedigree, every founder id that the user wishes to specify must be listed individually in this file.
The file does not have to include all founders. Ped-sim will randomly assign
any founders that are not included in the --set_founders
file from one of the
VCF ids that are not assigned to a founder in that file.
The file can contain blank lines and comments (which must be on a line by
themselves and start with #
Ped-sim assigns input samples as founders in the pedigrees it simulates. The
option prints a file called [out_prefix].ids
that contains
two columns listing each founder sample id followed by the corresponding input
sample id Ped-sim assigned to that founder.
The simulator uses samples from the input VCF as founder individuals and will
exit if there are too few samples in the VCF to do the simulation. If requested
using --retain_extra
, the program will also print a specified number of input
samples that were not used as founders in the simulations. If the number is
less than 0 (e.g., --retain_extra -1
), the simulator prints all unused input
samples. If the value is greater than 0, say 100, but fewer than this number of
unused samples exist, the simulator prints all the available samples. When the
requested number to print is less than the number available, the simulator
randomly selects the samples to print from among all that were not used as
The plot-fam.R
script plots the pedigree structures produced by Ped-sim (or
indeed for any PLINK format fam file). It requires the
R package and works by running
./plot-fam.R [base name]
This plots all pedigree structures given in the [base name].fam
file. The
output files are named [base name]-[family id].pdf
, with a file for each
family id (first column) in the fam file. Use either the --dry_run
Ped-sim option to get a .fam
Be mindful of the number of files this will produce: it generates a pdf for
each copy of all the family structures in the file. Using the Ped-sim
option sets the number of copies of each structure to 1 (whereas
produces a .fam
file with all family copies included).
Known bug: If the def file calls for all individuals to be printed, the
script will give the error
Error in pedigree(dat[sel, 2], dat[sel, 3], dat[sel, 4], dat[sel, 5], :
Invalid code for affected status
Execution halted
This is caused by having the 'affected' status be the same for all samples. A workaround is to edit the fam file and set the affected (column 6) status for at least one individual to something different, e.g., -9.
With thanks to Sara Mathieson,
conversion from PLINK fam format to Ped-sim's def format is possible with
. Simply run
./ -i [filename.fam] -o [out.def]
to convert [filename.fam]
to [out.def]
Please note: at present it is not possible to specify the sexes of
individuals using