Rabbot generates interfaces to abstract binding trees (ABTs). It is a port of SML's Abbot to Rust.
An abstract binding tree is a data structure similar to an abstract syntax tree, except that it lets you pleasantly and correctly handle the declaration and binding of symbols. To motivate this, let's consider a syntax tree for a simple pseudo-language. For the expression 2 + 1
, this would produce a syntax tree Plus(Number(2), Number(1))
. For the expression let x = 1 in x + 2
, this would produce Let(Var("x"), Number(1), Plus(Var("x"), Number(2))
. For these examples, using a normal abstract syntax tree works fine.
However, we run into trouble if we introduce multiple bindings with the same name. For example, in the expression let x = 1 in (let x = 2 in x) + x
, we now need some notion of scope analysis. Which x
does each instance refer to? ABTs eliminate this problem by providing constructs to handle the binding and substitution of variables. The prior expression translates roughly to Let(1, x . (Let(2, x . x) + x))
where the dot .
denotes a binding site. See Bob Harper's Practical Foundations for Programming Languages, chapter 1 for more information.
The usual way to create an abstract syntax is tree is to define an enum with branches for each part of your syntax, e.g.
enum Expression {
Plus(Box<Expression>, Box<Expression>),
However, ABTs work differently. At its core, an ABT is a fixed tree data structure that is parameterized by a set of operators, where each operator describes functionality like Number
or Plus
. See rabbot/src/abt.rs
for the definition of the data type. This lets you easily re-use the ABT structure for different kinds of programs, but it requires more boilerplate and more code in practice to use.
To alleviate the verbosity of using ABTs, Rabbot takes a description of an abstract binding tree and generates a more concise interface for the programmer to use. For example, one can implement lambda calculus with Peano numerals and its interpreter in a few lines:
#![feature(plugin, box_syntax)]
#[macro_use] extern crate rabbot;
rabbot! {
sort Term {
Lam(Binding<Term> . Term),
App((Term, Term))
use rabbot::var::Var;
use term::*;
fn interpret(t: Term) -> Term {
match out(t) {
v @ View::Z | v @ View::Lam(_) => into(v),
View::S(t) => {
bind!(View::S{v} = out(interpret(t)));
View::App((fun, arg)) => {
bind!(View::Lam{(var, body)} = out(interpret(fun)));
subst(arg, var, body)
View::Var(_) => unreachable!()
fn test() {
let x = Var::new("x".to_string());
let term = into(View::App((
x.clone(), into(View::S(into(View::Var(x.clone()))))))),
println!("{:?}", interpret(term)); // prints S(Z)
This is still in heavy development, so talk to me (email: [email protected]) if you want to use it. The code generator works as a compiler plugin, so it only works on nightly, although that's not a hard requirement.