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README Team Quicksilver Final CS 6457

Team Members

Name: Rahmaan Lodhia Email: [email protected] Prism: rlodhia3

Name: William Gu Email: [email protected] Prism: wgu36

Name: Larry He Email: [email protected] Prism: lhe44

Name: Mitch Leff Email: [email protected] Prism: mleff3

  • (COMPLETE) 3D Game:
    • (COMPLETE) 3D Game: The game is 3D in design
    • (COMPLETE) Achievable objective: Reach the end of the level with enough energy to progress the game
    • (COMPLETE) Communication of success or failure: Player dies if hit with no energy or player wins or loses after reaching the exit. A screen will appear revealing to the player whether or not he succeeded in those two circumstances
    • (COMPLETE) Able to reset on success or failure: Player is able to restart level at any time from mission result menu or pause menu.
  • (COMPLETE) Skeletal-Animated 3D Mesh Character Controller with Real-Time Control:
    • (COMPLETE) Mecanim Controlled and Blendtree: Character has both features.
    • (COMPLETE) Player has direct control: Yes, player has direct control.
    • (COMPLETE) Appropriate controls: Designed with the controller in mind. Buttons chosen for easiest placement.
    • (COMPLETE) Fluid: Player movement is fluid.
    • (COMPLETE) Dynamic range of control: Many things are dynamic especially movement, jumping, and dashing which vary on how much you hold the input.
  • (COMPLETE) 3D World with Physics and Spatial Simulation:
    • (COMPLETE) Graphically and auditory represented: Graphics and audio designed with a 3D world in mind.
    • (COMPLETE) Aligned with physics representation: Clipping has been minimized as much as possible.
    • (COMPLETE) Interactive: Several interactive environments and objects such as breakable glass, exploding bombs, and pushable crates.
    • (COMPLETE) Consistent spatial simulation: Distance and movement is consistent in all areas.
  • (COMPLETE) Real-Time NPC Steering Behaviours / Artificial Intelligence:
    • (COMPLETE) Reasonably effective and believable: AI designed with simple effective patrols and simple effective targeting scripts.
    • (COMPLETE) Fluid: AI moves fluid through level through use of mecanim and RAIN
    • (COMPLETE) Sensory feedback of AI: Audio effects placed on AI when they attack or die. Visibly agressive when they see you.
  • (COMPLETE) Polish:
    • (COMPLETE) UI: Software feels like a game from beginning to end. Several HUD elements in play that affect gameplay. Menus interactive and navigable. Transitions present on level loads.
    • (COMPLETE) Environment Acknowledges Player: Several elements acknowledge player interactions through use of scripting, animation, sound, and effects.
    • (COMPLETE) Cohesiveness / Unified: Simple artistic style used throughout. Consistent level design. Sound theme is similair throughout game.
    • (COMPLETE) Appeal: All discoverable and fixable glitches removed. Game contains proper barriers and is stable.
  • (COMPLETE) Fun: Game is fun and challenging. Several levels provided that provide the player chances to improve their skill.
Resources Used by Group
Build Instructions

Use standard build settings for Web Player. Ensure all five scenes (quicksilver_title.unity, quicksilver_level1.unity, quicksilver_level2.unity, quicksilver_level3.unity, and quicksilver_credits.unity) are included in build.

Grader Instructions
  • Controls:

    • Recommended input is a XBOX 360 Controller
    • Walk/Run: WASD / Leftstick on Gamepad (Character will turn towards the direction of the keypress relative to the camera as he moves)
    • Jump: Spacebar / (A) Gamepad Button
    • Dash: Left Shift / (B) Gamepad Button
    • Air Dash: Left Shift / (B) Gamepade Button WHILE IN AIR AND SMALL ONLY
    • Attack: Q / (X) Gamepad Button
    • Shoot: R / (Y) Gamepad Button
    • Raise Shield: E / Left Bumper Gamepad Button
    • Shrink/Grow: Left Alt / Right Bumper Gamepad Button
    • Crouch: C / Leftstick click in (This is toggle button. Character will remain crouched until button is pushed again)
    • Activate Ragdoll: K / Rightstick click in (This is a toggle button. Chracter will remain a Ragdoll until button is pushed again)
    • Start: Escape / Start Gamepad Button. Opens the pause menu or used for other functions in game.
    • Camera Change: Left/Right Trigger to change viewpoint
  • Viewing Requirements: Start the game in the main menu. Proceed to the NEW GAME door in front of character. This will load the first level which is a tutorial level.

For each level, you will see a variety of enemies and objects. Here is what they do:


  • Ninja Warrior (white): Follows simple patrol path. Chases player if he sees him. Uses melee attacks to deal damage. Has low health and low energy reward.
  • Regen Warrior (green): Follows patrol network. Chases player if he sees him. Uses melee attacks to deal damage. If killed, he will come back to life after a second and continue chasing the player. He only gives energy reward after the first kill. He has comparable health and energy to ninja warrior. Best to evade after first kill.
  • Ranged Warrior (blue): Follows patrol above player. Uses ranged attacks to deal damage to player. Does severe damage. Low health, high reward.
  • Brute Warrior (purple): Large enemy that patrols. Uses melee attacks to deal damage to player. Does severe damage. High health, high energy reward.


  • Crates: These crates are pushable by the player.
  • Glass: These walls are breakable if you dash through them while moving with a forward velocity.
  • Bombs: These objects explode if they are shot at by the player or the enemies. The blast radius will hurt the player or the enemy. These bombs also go off if the player touches them.
  • Energy Packs: These are floating batteries. Touching them will give the player a reasonable boost of energy.

In the first level, the walls have instructions to new players to demonstrate the basic gameplay of the game. Reach the end of the stage. You should have enough energy to proceed to next stage. If not, restart the level. Select NEXT LEVEL to proceed to Level 2.

In Level 2, there are several enemies and interactable objects. Explore and try to interact with everything as you try to reach the end of the level. This level has one of each of the AI. Try using a variety of slash attacks and shoot attacks to defeat them. Or use the shield guard or shrink to avoid detection. Collect batteries in the level for energy boosts. Navigate to the end with enough energy to beat the stage. The minimum amount energy you must have at the end of this stage is 60. After winning, proceed to Level 3.

In Level 3, the difficulty is much higher. The goal is the same as previous levels, but there are more enemies. The ranged enemies here are stationary (if they weren't, the level would be too hard). Remember that dashing breaks glass and that bombs go off by shooting at them (or by moving into them, but you should avoid that because you take massive damage). Exploding bombs also destroy glass and hurt enemies. Use this to your advantage. The very end of the level faces you off against a beefed up giant enemy. Defeating him is optional but gives a lot of energy. The minimum amount energy you must have at the end of this stage is 50. Note there is an alternate route a player can take to reach the end of the level. This requires some clever movement on your initial jump down. (Hint: Try not the break the first pane of glass you see.)

Upon completion of Level 3, selecting NEXT LEVEL will take you to the credits. Exiting the credits or leaving them alone will take you back to the title screen. Feel free to use Level Select to play any of the three stages.

Unity Scene

The main file used is quicksilver_title.unity.


Import the project into Unity to use


Final Project for our Video Game Design class






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