ARM-related issues, whether arm darwin, raspberry pi or otherwise
Waiting on an answer or information from issue or PR author to proceed
An identified bug, though not necessarily being currently investigated
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Documentation updates, including examples code
Duplicate issue of either an active or closed issue
Electron-related issues, bugs or questions
Feature requests or suggestions
Fix has been applied and released and currently waiting to confirm it's a valid fix.
Fix has been completed and currently pending release in the next version
Actively soliciting contributions to help complete this work
Code improvements, not relating to features or bugs
Currently trying to investigate and reproduce issue
Linux-related issues, for all distros and architectures
Seeking general or specific information, not an issue or feature request
Typescript related issues or bugs
Windows related issues, includes WSL and MSYS
A known issue that won't be fixed, either for time availability or niche-use reasons