Tags: wildtruc/zenvidia
v2.3.55 - Since 555 serie nvidia-persistenced options looks to be unecessary for open-nvidia modules. From there, the auto activation of the service is disabled starting 555.xx. - Remove origin word in git log checks from zen_notify and makefile (gitlab/github origins compatibility). - Translation FR updated.
v2.3.53 - Added GSP firmware modprobe option for 555 serie. Dedicated option in basic.conf is GSP_firm=0/1. Default: enabled. - Added backup_prev option to basic.conf file allowing user to enable or disable driver backup process during install time. Default: enabled.
v2.3.51 - zen_notify was not enought strict on driver update version to make a real effective comparison. New form is still under whatch to see if it is corresponding to all comparison cases. - zen_nofify was still pointing to /usr/local zenvidia version text. Changed to user zenvidia config directory. - Because May 7th decision, git remote origin source repository has been define in script.conf to be easely change in future. Script updated accordingly. - French translation nutshells