Only a set of functions to standardize common dev operations
Clone (or download) the repo in your local project folder, ex.:
git clone ~/projects/dev-utils
Add the script to your .bashrc, ex.:
echo "source ~/projects/dev-utils/" >> ~/.bashrc
After add the script in .bashrc make sure you created a new session in your terminal and use the commands available in the script you added.
The status function will basically execute the git status
with the parameter --short
The commit function will run an interactive menu to execute a git commit -m "standardize commit message"
Use the log command to get a git log
with a preconfigured format and the option to pass as argument a text that will be used in the grep
Using the push command will be executed git config credential.helper store
before git push
This can be useful to store the credentials of repository.
The command pull has the same features than push
Create a copy of .env.example named .env in the project root folder and customize the properties as shown in the examples
shared with ❤ by @wilcorrea