EventGate takes in JSON events via HTTP POST, validates and then produces them to a pluggable destination (usually to Kafka). Valid events pass through the gate, invalid ones do not.
Throughout this codebase, an 'event' is a parsed JSON object with a strict JSONSchema, and a 'schema' refers to an instance of a JSONSchema for an event.
For configuration of the default EventGate implementation (see below), edit
config.yaml and run npm start
. The service will listen for HTTP POST
requests with Content-Type set to application/json
at /v1/events
. The POST
body should be an array of JSON event objects. (The default EventGate uses
Kafka, so you must have a running Kafka instance to produce to.)
The EventGate service is a generic HTTP POST JSON event intake, event schema validation
and event producing service. The schema validation and event produce implementation
is left up to the user. This service ships with a schema URL based
validator and Kafka produce implementation (using node-rdkafka), but you can
plug in your own by implementing a factory module that returns an instantiated EventGate
and use it via eventgate_factory_module
application config. See documentation below for more on
the default Kafka EventGate.
The EventGate
class is generic enough to be used with any type of validation and event
production via function injection. The HTTP route that handles POSTing of events needs to have an
instantiated EventGate instance. To make this configurable (without editing the route code), the
route in routes/events.js will look for app.conf.eventgate_factory_module
and require it.
This module is expected to export a function named factory
that takes a conf options
a bunyan logger
, and an optional metrics
object that conforms to the node-statsd interface
(This will actually be provided from
service-runner app metrics, and
the Express router used to handle the events (in case your EventGate implementation wants to
add any extra routes at this time). E.g.
function myEventGateFactory(options, logger, metrics, router) { ... }
The factory function should return a Promise of an instantiated EventGate.
Once the EventGate Promise resolves, the /v1/events
HTTP route will be added and will use the
instantiated EventGate to validate and produce incoming events.
The EventGate
class in lib/eventgate.js handles event validation and produce logic.
It is instantiated with validate
and a produce
functions that each take a single
and extra context
object. validate
should either return a Promise of the validated
event (possibly augmented, e.g. field defaults populated) or throw a ValidationError
is expected to return a Promise of the produce
result, or throw an
Once instantiated with these injected functions, an EventGate
instance can be used
by calling the process
function with an array of events and any extra context
will catch both validation and produce errors, and will return an object
with errors for each event grouped by the type of error. E.g. if you passed in 3 events,
and 1 was valid, 1 was invalid, and another encountered an unknown error, process
will return an object like:
'success': [{ ... }],
'invalid': [{ ... }],
'error': [{ ... }]
with each array containing an EventStatus
instance representing the event's process result.
Throughout the code, functions that are injected into to constructors are expected
to take a single event
object and a context
E.g. validate(event, context)
, produce(event, context)
, etc. These
functions should be able to do their job with only these arguments.
Any additional logic or context should be bound into the function, either by partially applying
or creating a closure. Example:
If you wanted to write all incoming events to a file based on some field in the event, you
could write an EventGate produce
function like this:
const _ require('lodash');
const writeFileAsync = promisify(fs.writeFile);
* @return a function that writes event to the file at event[file_path_field]
function makeProduceFunction(options) {
const file_path_field = options.file_path_field;
return (event, context = {}) => {
const path = _.get(event, file_path_field);
return writeFileAsync(path, JSON.stringify(event));
// Instantiate a new EventGate using this configured produce function closure:
const eventGate = new EventGate({
// ...,
const options = {
file_path_field: 'file_path'
produce: makeProduceFunction(options);
// ...,
// This eventGate will produce every event by calling the function returned by makeProduceFunction.
The EventGate constructor also takes an optional mapToErrorEvent
takes an event
and an error
and returns a new error event representing
the error. This new error event should be suitable for producing through the same
instantiated EventGate
. If mapToErrorEvent
is provided and event processing fails for any
reason, those errors will be converted to event errors via this function, and then produced.
There should be no difference between the kind of events that mapToErrorEvent
returns and
the kind of events that your instantiated EventGate
can handle.
should work. If your mapToErrorEvent
returns null
for any given failed event
, no error event for that error will be
produced. This allows mapToErrorEvent
implementations to decide what types of
Errors should be produced.
If eventgate_factory_module
is not specified, this service will use provided configuration
to instantiate and use an EventGate that validates events with JSONSchemas discovered via
schema URLs. Depending on configuration, the default EventGate can write events to
a file, and/or produce them to Kafka.
While the EventGate
class that handles event validation and production can
be configured to do validation in any way, the default EventGate uses the
class to validate events with schemas obtained from
schema URIs in the events themselves. Every event should contain a URI
to the JSONSchema for the event. EventValidator
will extract and use those URIs to look up
(and cache) those schemas to use for event validation. The EventValidator
used by the default EventGate can request schema URIs from the local filesystem with
or remote ones via http://
based URIs. The field in the each event where the schema
URI is located is configured by the schema_uri_field
config, which defaults to $schema
is a standard field used by JSONSchemas to locate their metaschemas, so it makes
sense to store an event's schema in this field as well.)
When an event is received, the schema URI will be extracted from the schema_uri_field
The JSONSchema at the URI will be downloaded and used to validate the event.
The extracted schema URI can optionally be prefixed with schema_base_uri
and suffixed with
. Setting a schema_base_uri
will allow set hostname relative URIs,
e.g. '/path/to/event-schema/1.0.0' in the events, while configuring the base location of your schema
repositories, e.g. 'http://my.schema-repo.org/schemas' If you
use the defaults, all of your events should have a $schema field set to
a resolvable schema URI.
EventValidator always supports draft-07 JSONSchemas (via AJV). It also
supports additional JSONSchemas, defaulting to also supporting draft-04.
If you need to modify or change this, you can override the metaSchemas
option to the EventValidator constructor.
By default, EventValidator will validate all (non-meta) schemas with AJV's
json-schema-secure schema. This prevents schemas from including potentially
risky features that could facilitate DOS attacks.
See: https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv#security-considerations
To allow insecure schemas, you can set allowInsecureSchemas: true
the EventValidator constructor options.
A 'stream' here refers to the destination name of an event. It is closely related
to Kafka's concept of a topic. Much of the time a stream might correspond 1:1 with
a Kafka topic. If you don't care about the topic name that is used for a any given event,
you don't need to configure a stream_field
. The default behavior is to sanitize an event's
schema URI and use it for the Kafka topic name. E.g. if an event's schema URI is
, the topic name will end up being ui_element_button-push
However, if stream_field
is configured and present in an event, its value will be
used as the destination Kafka topic of that event. If you need finer control over
event -> Kafka topic mapping, you should implement your own Kafka produce function
for an example.)
Configuration is passed to the service via the config.yaml
file, which
has a services
object. This object contains a service named eventgate
The conf
object of this service will be passed to the eventgate_factory_module
To use a custom EventGate implementation, set eventgate_factory_module
to your
javascript module that exports a factory
function that instantiate an EventGate with
. See the section above entitled 'EventGate implementation configuration'.
The following values in conf
will be used to instantiate a a default EventGate
that extracts JSONSchemas from schema URIs, validates events using those
schemas, and then produces them to an output file and or Kafka.
If kafka.conf
is set, than Kafka will be used. Since node-rdkafka-factory
is an optional dependency, please make sure it (and node-rdkafka) is properly
installed if you use this.
All *_field
configs point to a field in an event, and use
dotted path notation to access sub-objects.
E.g. "value" will be extracted from { meta: { stream: "value" } }
is set to 'meta.stream'.
Property | Default | Description |
port |
6927 | port on which the service will listen |
interface |
localhost | hostname on which to listen |
user_agent |
eventgate | The UserAgent seen when making remote http requests (e.g. for remote schemas) |
schema_uri_field |
$schema | The value extracted from this field will be used (with schema_base_uris and schema_file_extension ) to download the event's JSONSchema for validation. |
schema_base_uris |
undefined | If given, a relative schema URI will be prepended with each of these base URIs to build schema URLs. The resulting URLs will each be requested, and the first existent schema found at that URL will be used. This allows you to configure multiple schema repositories/registries where your schema might be located. E.g. you could use this if you wanted to have some schemas locally for reliability, but remote for resolvability. |
schema_file_extension |
undefined | If given, this will be appended to every extracted schema URI unless the filename in the URI already has an extension. |
stream_field |
undefined | The name of the stream this event belongs to. If not set, schema_uri_field will be used (and sanitized) instead. |
output_path |
stdout | Path to file to write valid events to, or 'stdout'. If undefined, events will not be output to a file. |
kafka.conf |
undefined | node-rdkafka / librdkafka configuration. This will be passed directly to the node-rdkafka kafka.Producer constructor. Make sure you set kafka.conf['metadata.broker.list']. If undefined, events will not be produced to Kafka. |
kafka.topic_conf |
undefined | node-rdkafka (and librdkafka) topic specific configuration. This will be passed directly to the node-rdkafka kafka.Producer constructor. |
The Wikimedia Foundation runs this EventGate service as a dependency of eventgate-wikimedia. WMF implements a custom EventGate factory in eventgate-wikimedia.js.
If you are using EventGate as an npm dependency in a custom implementation repository, you will need to configure service-runner in your config.yaml file to run the EventGate express app. Set:
- name: EventGate-mycustom-implementation
# Load the eventgate module which is installed as an npm dependency
module: eventgate
# Make service-runner start running via tha exported app function.
entrypoint: app
# ...
If you are using EventGate as a service, and if test_events
is configured,
a GET /v1/_test/events
route will be added. When requested, the test_events
will be produced as if
they were POSTed to /v1/events. This is useful for readiness probes that want to make sure the service can
produce events end to end.
This service is based on Wikimedia's service-template-node. It is a fork of that 'template' repository. See also the ServiceTemplateNode documentation.