This package provides a Saloon Sender that sends traces to AWS X-Ray.
It creates a separate trace for each request and sends the trace to AWS X-Ray when the request is finished.
composer require wieni/saloon-aws-xray
When using Laravel, this package plays nicely with napp/xray-laravel.
Please read the documentation of that package to configure AWS X-Ray for Laravel.
You can then create a ServiceProvider to configure Saloon to use the AWS X-Ray sender.
// app/Providers/SaloonXrayServiceProvider.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Napp\Xray\Submission\DaemonSegmentSubmitter;
use Napp\Xray\Xray;
use Saloon\Config as SaloonConfig;
use Saloon\HttpSender\HttpSender;
use Wieni\SaloonAwsXray\XrayHttpSender;
final class SaloonXrayServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
// Configure the XrayHttpSender
function (): XrayHttpSender {
$submitterClass = config('xray.submitter', DaemonSegmentSubmitter::class);
$senderClass = config('saloon.default_sender', HttpSender::class);
return new XrayHttpSender(
new $senderClass(),
new $submitterClass(),
// Configure Saloon to use the XrayHttpSender
SaloonConfig::setSenderResolver(fn() => $this->app[XrayHttpSender::class]);
And register the ServiceProvider in your config/app.php
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
// ...
+ App\Providers\SaloonXrayServiceProvider::class,
// ...