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An auto-scaling pool manager for resque workers.

ResqueRing provides cluster-friendly, auto-scaling, lightweight management services for Resque workers. It can manage multiple worker groups, each watching multiple queues, and scale workers based on available work.


  • Multiple worker groups, each supporting multiple queues
  • Scale easily from MIN to MAX workers based on queue sizes
  • Scale down to MIN workers when idle (even 0!)
  • Configurable spawn throttling
  • Contractor Mode: start 1st worker automatically when items enter its queues.
  • Automatically manages and keeps track of workers it spawns
  • Track jobs processed, age & other data for each worker
    • Number of jobs processed
    • Age of worker
    • Memory usage
    • Time to process
  • All communication happens through Redis for easy clustering
  • Manage worker pool sizes locally (1 server) and globally (across servers)


The simplest way to install ResqueRing is to use Bundler.

Add ResqueRing to a Gemfile in your project’s root:

gem 'resque_ring'

then install it by running Bundler:

$ bundle


ResqueRing is run from the command line (or a process monitor like monit). Please open your terminal and go to your project's directory.

Running resque_ring with no arguments prints this:

  resque_ring help [COMMAND]             # Describe available commands or one specific command
  resque_ring start -c, --config=CONFIG  # start a resque_ring
  resque_ring version                    # print version


You can always get help on the available tasks with the help task:

$ bundle exec resque_ring help

To get help for a specific command, append it to the end of the previous example, e.g.,

$ bundle exec resque_ring help start

When started on multiple servers using the same configuration and Redis server, each ResqueRing will coordinate efforts with the others.


ResqueRing is controlled primarily through a configuration file, so starting a new instance is simple:

bundle exec resque_ring start -c my_config.yml

-c/--config option

Sets the location of the ResqueRing config file. If this is not specified, ResqueRing will look for a resque_ring.yml file in your current directory.


Prints the current version of ResqueRing.

bundle exec resque_ring version


You can control ResqueRing with POSIX signals.


Quit ResqueRing after cleaning up.

$ kill -INT <resque_ring_pid>

TERM and QUIT also work splendidly.


Quit all workers cleanly, but leave everything running. Workers will respawn automatically.

$ kill -USR1 <resque_ring_pid>


Quit all workers cleanly, reload config, and start fresh.

$ kill -HUP <resque_ring_pid>


Quit all workers and prevent them from respawning.

$ kill -STOP <resque_ring_pid>


Allow a paused ResqueRing process to go back to work.

$ kill -CONT <resque_ring_pid>


The configuration file has three main groups: global settings, redis settings, and worker definitions.

Global settings

Global settings are at the root of the yml file. All global settings are optional, but ResqueRing will use its own defaults if not set.

delay: 60 # seconds to wait before checking again

Redis settings

Redis settings, if included, should include the host & port of your Redis server. If not included, ResqueRing will use the default Redis host and port: localhost:6379.

  host: localhost
  port: 6379

Worker settings

The workers group can contain any number of subsections, identified by your desired name for each group of workers.

This is useful if you need to manage different sets of Resque workers for different tasks.

Each group of workers has a number of options:

Option Note
wait_time how long to wait before starting another worker.
threshold how many items in queue before starting more than min workers.
spawn_rate when spawning new workers, how many to start at a time.
remove_when_idle start removing workers when queue is empty (default: true)
spawner options describing how to start an actual worker task.
queues a list of queues this worker group should watch.
pool options for the pool of workers.

Spawner options

command is the specific command used to start the worker.
dir tells ResqueRing to cwd to this directory before running the command.
env provides a list of environment variables set before running the worker.

Note: ResqueRing resets all existing environment variables prior to setting the environment variables specified here.

  command: bundle exec rake resque:work
  dir: /this/is/my/work/dir
    rails_env: development


A list of queues this worker group is expected to watch.

  - queue_the_first
  - queue_tee_pie
  - queue_the_music

Pool options

Pool options configure the management of a pool of workers.

min sets the number of workers to start immediately.
max sets the maximum number of workers to spawn on this server.
global_max sets the maximum number of workers to run across all servers.
first_at (see note)

Note: first_at, when used with min_workers: 0 allows a ResqueRing pool to "idle" with no workers when there are no jobs to process. This is Contractor mode.

In normal operation, when min_workers is greater than zero, ResqueRing will start min_workers number of workers initially, but will not start more until threshold is reached.

In Contractor mode, a worker is started immediately as soon as first_at number of items enter the queue, and no more workers will start until threshold is reached.

Combined with remove_when_idle, this allows ResqueRing to spin up and down as needed, rather than maintain an always-active pool of workers.

  min: 1         # How many to start initially, 0 means no workers until queue; defaults to 1
  max: 5         # The most we'll ever start; defaults to 5
  global_max: 15 # Max workers across all servers; default 0 (no limit)
  first_at: 1    # Use with min_workers 0; fewer than fire_at jobs in queue will not start any workers. Defaults to 1, and is only checked if min_workers is 0

All together now

A complete configuration file looks something like this:

delay: 60 # seconds to wait before checking again
  host: localhost
  port: 6379
  indexing: # What you name, you love.
    wait_time: 120         # don't start another worker more often than this (seconds); will only ever start one worker per configured queue within time set above in delay
    threshold: 100         # If queue gets bigger than this, start another worker until max workers reached
    spawn_rate: 1          # How many workers to spawn at a time, defaults to 1
    remove_when_idle: true # start removing workers when queue is idle (defaults to true)
      command: bundle exec rake resque:work
      dir: /this/is/my/work/dir
        rails_env: development
    queues:                # list of queues this worker listens for
      - queue_the_first
      - queue_tee_pie
      - queue_the_music
      min: 1         # How many to start initially, 0 means no workers until queue; defaults to 1
      max: 5         # The most we'll ever start; defaults to 5
      global_max: 15 # Max workers across all servers; default 0 (no limit)
      first_at: 1    # Use with min_workers 0; fewer than fire_at jobs in queue will not start any workers. Defaults to 1, and is only checked if min_workers is 0

Planned features

  • Ability to kill & respawn workers based on metrics above
  • Wildcard queues?


Fixing a bug? Adding an awesome new feature? Your pull requests are welcome!

  • Please create a feature branch each separate change
  • Write tests for your changes! All specs and code quality checks must pass on Travis CI.
  • Update the documentation.
  • Update the README.
  • Please do not change the version number.


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.


Autoscaling pool manager for resque workers







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