The pyramid_authstack package makes it possible to stack multiple authentication policies in a pyramid project. This can be useful in several scenarios:
- You need to be able to identify a user for a long period of time, while requiting a recent login to access personal information. Amazon is an example of a site doing this.
- You want to send a newsletter to users and log the user in automatically when they follow a link in the newsletter, but not give automatically give them access to sensitive information.
Confusing a multi-authentication policy is simple: create an instance of the AuthenticationStackPolicy object, add the authentication policies you want to it and then tell Pyramid to use it.
from pyramid.authentication import AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy from pyramid_authstack import AuthenticationStackPolicy auth_policy = AuthenticationStackPolicy() # Add an authentication policy with a one-hour timeout to control # access to sensitive information. auth_policy.add_policy( 'sensitive', AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy('secret', timeout=60 * 60)) # Add a second authentication policy with a one-year timeout so # we can identify the user. auth_policy.add_policy( 'identity', AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy('secret', timeout=60 * 60 * 24 * 365)) config.set_authentication_policy(auth_policy)
The name used for the sub-policy (sensitive and identity in the example above) will be added to the principals if the sub-policy can authenticate the user. This makes it very easy to check which authentication policies matched in an ACL:
class MyModel(object): # Only allow access if user authenticated recently. __acl__ = [(Allow, 'auth:sensitive', 'view')]
When you call remember() or forget() all sub-policies will be trigged. You can filter the list of policies used by adding a policies parameter. A use case where this is important is a user coming to the site via a link in a newsletter: in that scenario you can identify the user, but do not want to give access to sensitive information without asking for extra credentials.
from import remember # Only set identity-authentication. headers = remember(request, 'chrism', policies=['identity'])
Mozilla has a similar project: pyramid_multiauth. There are a few difference between that package and this one:
- pyramid_multiauth has no way to indicate which authentication policy matched, which makes it unusable for my uses causes unless you always use custom authentication sub-policies which add custom an extra principal. This could be fixed, but it would require changing the API in a non-backward compatible way.
- pyramid_multiauth duplicates some of the callback-handling code instead of reusing pyramid's CallbackAuthenticationPolicy.
- pyramid_multiauth allows configuration via the PasteDeploy .ini file, which pyramid_authstack does not support.
- Fix use of obsolete naming in the README.
- Add callback parameter to constructor.
- First release.