This is example of use api lyrics
- /public directory where the react injects javascript in develop;
- /build directory created after execute command build, where is located files for production;
- /src directory where the develop files is located;
- /assets directory where static files like fonts and images is located;
- /services directory where the files related to services used in the application will be created, for example HTTP requests;
- /views directory where de pages is located.
In the frontend directory, install the dependencies
npm install
Start React development server
npm start
Await for browser window open in http://localhost:3000 .
In the frontend directory, install the dependencies
npm install
Execute build command to create minify version to production
npm run build
Will be create folder /build with the files. Inserts into HTTP server. More information
Environment variables is located in /src/config/config.js
SEARCH LYRICS - Endpoint to search lyrics
- Concluded
Start development server
Creates production version
Execute tests
Ejects project from create-react-app (more infomation)