A demo project that transfers files securely over a TLS connection from an Android application to a workstation running the Java client.
The Android app and Java client use self-signed certificates when establishing the TLS connection. They can be found in the raw resource folder on the server and in the SWT_Client folder on the client.
The included keystores are:
swt_ecv3/1 -> Public Key: EC P-256, Signature Algorithm: SHA256withECDSA
swt_rsa -> Public Key: RSA 4096, Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA
Special thanks to Jonas Kalderstam for his Android file picker.
Connect your Android phone to your workstation. Turn on a hotspot and connect your workstation to the network.
Open the server folder in Android Studio and run the project on the connected device.
Select a single file to transfer and launch the server.
Open the client folder in Netbeans and run SWT_Client.java. Select a location, name, and extension to save the file.
After the file transfer is complete, stop running the app in Android Studio.
The application currently only supports the transfer of a signle file.
With larger file transfers, a broken pipe error occurs.
The keystore passwords should be moved to environment variables or a more secure means of storage.
No status updates available in the Android app