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Advanced Meeting Controls

Parimala032 edited this page Aug 6, 2024 · 15 revisions


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This article describes the advanced meeting controls available in the Webex Web SDK for meetings.

Available Controls

The following advanced meeting controls are available:

  • Screen recording
  • Lock and unlock meetings
  • Send DTMF tones
  • Transcription
  • Access PSTN phone audio
  • Effects for audio and video.

Screen Recording

Once a meeting is created and joined, the screen recording controls can be initialized.

Start a Recording

To start a recording, use the Meeting object's startRecording() method:

await meeting.startRecording();
Asynchronous Yes
Parameters None
Returns Promise<undefined>

Pause a Recording

For a recording in process, pause the recording using the Meeting object's pauseRecording() method:

await meeting.pauseRecording();
Asynchronous Yes
Parameters None
Returns Promise<undefined>

Resume a Recording

To resume recording, use the Meeting object's resumeRecording() method:

await meeting.resumeRecording();
Asynchronous Yes
Parameters None
Returns Promise<undefined>

Stop a Recording

To stop recording, use the Meeting object's stopRecording() method:

await meeting.stopRecording();
Asynchronous Yes
Parameters None
Returns Promise<undefined>

Lock and Unlock Meetings

When you lock a meeting, no other participants can join unless you admit them. Only moderators of a meeting can lock and unlock meetings.

Lock a Meeting

To lock a meeting, use the Meeting object's lockMeeting() method:

await meeting.lockMeeting();
Asynchronous Yes
Parameters None
Returns Promise<undefined>

Unlocking a meeting

To unlock a meeting, use the Meeting object's unlockMeeting() method:

await meeting.unlockMeeting();
Asynchronous Yes
Parameters None
Returns Promise

Send DTMF Tones

To send DTMF tones in a meeting, use the Meeting object's sendDTMF() method and pass it a string representing the tone you want to send:

await meeting.sendDTMF(DTMFStringToBeSent);
Asynchronous Yes
Sl. No Parameter Name Parameter Type Mandatory Description
1 DTMFStringToBeSent String Yes

A string representing the DTMF tone to be sent. Allowed values are 0-9, * and #.

Returns Promise<undefined>


The basic steps for enabling and processing meeting transcriptions are:

  1. Initialize the Webex object with a enableAutomaticLLM meeting configuration.
  2. Enabled the Webex assistant when it is scheduled using the /meeting REST API here.
  3. Add users to the meeting.

Establish a Transcription Socket Connection

When a user initializes the Webex object with enableAutomaticLLM set to true, the Webex Meetings SDK will automatically establish a socket connection between the browser and the transcription backend:

    meetings: {
       enableAutomaticLLM: true

Listen for the Transcription Connected Event

Listen for the meeting:transcription:connected event to determine if the socket connection has been successfully established:

meeting.on('meeting:transcription:connected', () => {
    console.log('Transcription Websocket is connected');

When the event is received, your app can enable transcription.

Enable Transcription

To start receiving transcriptions during a meeting use the Meeting object's startTranscription() method with an optional options parameter:

await meeting.startTranscription(options);
Parameter Name Description Required Sample value Type
options Configuration object to be provided while starting transcription. No { spokenLanguage?: String} Object
To specify a spoken language in the options, use the language codes conforming with [ISO 639 language code specification](

Set Caption & Spoken Languages

When you start the transcription, you'll receive a meeting:receiveTranscription:started event with a payload containing a list of supported spoken and caption languages:

meeting.on('meeting:receiveTranscription:started', (payload) => {

The captionLanguages and spokenLanguages arrays contain the language code for the supported languages. The language codes conform with the ISO 639 language code specification.

Start Receiving Transcription

To receive transcriptions, listen for the meeting:caption-received event which contains the captions generated from the meeting's audio:

meeting.on('meeting:caption-received', (payload) => {
      //use payload to display captions

Here's an example of the a transcription payload:

    "captions": [
            "id": "88e1b0c9-7483-b865-f0bd-a685a5234943",
            "isFinal": true,
            "text": "Hey, everyone.",
            "currentSpokenLanguage": "en",
            "timestamp": "1:22",
            "speaker": {
                "speakerId": "8093d335-9b96-4f9d-a6b2-7293423be88a",
                "name": "Name"
            "id": "e8fd9c60-1782-60c0-92e5-d5b22c80df2b",
            "isFinal": true,
            "text": "That's awesome.",
            "currentSpokenLanguage": "en",
            "timestamp": "1:26",
            "speaker": {
                "speakerId": "8093d335-9b96-4f9d-a6b2-7293423be88a",
                "name": "Name"
            "id": "be398e11-cf08-92e7-a42d-077ecd60aeea",
            "isFinal": true,
            "text": "आपका नाम क्या है?",
            "currentSpokenLanguage": "hi",
            "timestamp": "1:55",
            "speaker": {
                "speakerId": "8093d335-9b96-4f9d-a6b2-7293423be88a",
                "name": "Name"
            "id": "84adc1a7-b3c3-5a49-0588-aa787b1437eb",
            "isFinal": true,
            "translations": {
                "en": "What is your name?"
            "text": "आपका नाम क्या है?",
            "currentSpokenLanguage": "hi",
            "timestamp": "2:11",
            "speaker": {
                "speakerId": "8093d335-9b96-4f9d-a6b2-7293423be88a",
                "name": "Name"
            "id": "84c89387-cd5d-ce15-1867-562c0a91155f",
            "isFinal": true,
            "translations": {
                "hi": "तुम्हारा नाम क्या है?"
            "text": "What's your name?",
            "currentSpokenLanguage": "en",
            "timestamp": "2:46",
            "speaker": {
                "speakerId": "8093d335-9b96-4f9d-a6b2-7293423be88a",
                "name": "Name"
    "interimCaptions": {
        "88e1b0c9-7483-b865-f0bd-a685a5234943": [],
        "e8fd9c60-1782-60c0-92e5-d5b22c80df2b": [],
        "be398e11-cf08-92e7-a42d-077ecd60aeea": [],
        "84adc1a7-b3c3-5a49-0588-aa787b1437eb": [],
        "84c89387-cd5d-ce15-1867-562c0a91155f": []

Change the Spoken Language

During the meeting, if you'd like to change the spoken language, use the Meeting object's setSpokenLanguage() method:

const currentSpokenLanguage = await meeting.setSpokenLanguage(selectedLanguage);

Choose the selectedLanguage when you start the transcription. If you select the spoken language and speak in that language, the system displays the caption in the same language. If you set the caption language to a different language at any point, a user speaking in this new language will see the caption in that different language.

Change the Caption Language

During the meeting, use the Meeting object's setCaptionLanguage() method to set the caption language:

const currentCaptionLanguage = await meeting.setCaptionLanguage(selectedLanguage);

You'll choose the selectedLanguage language code at the start of the transcription. The system translates any speech, no matter the language, into this selected language.

Stop Receiving Transcription

To stop receiving the transcriptions, use the Meeting object's stopTranscription() method:


Use PSTN Phone Audio

In a meeting, if the audio isn't clear or there are issues using device audio (desktop app, mobile app, or web app), Webex lets you dial in to a meeting via PSTN. The following controls are available:

  • Use Phone Audio
  • Disconnect Phone Audio

For more information see Use PSTN Phone Audio for Meetings

Effects: Meeting Audio and Video

Webex meetings support the following three effects:

  • Background noise removal (BNR) for Webex audio.
  • Background blur for Webex video.
  • Virtual backgrounds for Webex video.

For more information, see Meeting Audio & Video Effects.

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