AFD Parsing, round one #2234
10 warnings
run automated accessibility tests
(color-contrast) - Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds [selectors: h1, label, #weathergov-use-browser-location, .font-sans-2xl, .tablet\:grid-col-8.tablet\:grid-offset-2.grid-col > .font-sans-md, .bg-primary-lightest > .grid-container > .grid-row:nth-child(2) > .tablet\:grid-col-8.tablet\:grid-offset-2.grid-col > p:nth-child(2), .margin-bottom-0, a[href$=""]]
run automated accessibility tests
(color-contrast) - Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds [selectors: .usa-accordion__button.text-ls-1[type="button"], p:nth-child(4), li:nth-child(19), li:nth-child(38), .leaflet-control-zoom-out > span[aria-hidden="true"], .esri-dynamic-attribution, a[href$=""], .wx_alert_map_legend > span]
run automated accessibility tests
(link-in-text-block) - Ensure links are distinguished from surrounding text in a way that does not rely on color [selectors: a[href$=""]]
run automated accessibility tests
(color-contrast) - Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds [selectors: .usa-accordion__button.text-ls-1[type="button"], p:nth-child(4), li:nth-child(19), li:nth-child(38), .leaflet-control-zoom-out > span[aria-hidden="true"]]
run automated accessibility tests
(color-contrast) - Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds [selectors: div[data-v-21cab096=""][data-v-c6f68486=""]:nth-child(2), div[data-v-21cab096=""][data-v-c6f68486=""]:nth-child(3)]
run automated accessibility tests
(color-contrast) - Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds [selectors: h1, label, #weathergov-use-browser-location, .font-sans-2xl, .tablet\:grid-col-8.tablet\:grid-offset-2.grid-col > .font-sans-md, .bg-primary-lightest > .grid-container > .grid-row:nth-child(2) > .tablet\:grid-col-8.tablet\:grid-offset-2.grid-col > p:nth-child(2), .margin-bottom-0, a[href$=""]]
run automated accessibility tests
(color-contrast) - Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds [selectors: .usa-accordion__button.text-ls-1[type="button"], p:nth-child(4), li:nth-child(19), li:nth-child(38), .leaflet-control-zoom-out > span[aria-hidden="true"], .esri-dynamic-attribution, a[href$=""]]
run automated accessibility tests
(link-in-text-block) - Ensure links are distinguished from surrounding text in a way that does not rely on color [selectors: a[href$=""]]
run automated accessibility tests
(color-contrast) - Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds [selectors: .usa-accordion__button.text-ls-1[type="button"], p:nth-child(4), li:nth-child(19), li:nth-child(38), .leaflet-control-zoom-out > span[aria-hidden="true"], .esri-dynamic-attribution, a[href$=""], .wx_alert_map_legend > span]
run automated accessibility tests
(link-in-text-block) - Ensure links are distinguished from surrounding text in a way that does not rely on color [selectors: a[href$=""]]