Try out our beta instant skin cancer detecting chatbot!
Our first product to market will center around traumatic brain injury (TBI)/concussion detection via eye tracking. This product will be easy to use, accurate and available on your smartphone. Watch a 30 second video and get an instant diagnosis! Our product will track your recovery after injury so you can get back in the game ASAP! is a company whose vision is a world where medical conditions are addressed early on, in their infancy. This approach will shift the health-care industry from a constant fire-fight against symptoms to a preventative approach where root causes are addressed and fixed. Our first step to realize this vision is easy, accurate and available diagnosis. Our current focus is concussion diagnosis, recovery tracking & brain health monitoring.
Located on UIUC's campus in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
Reach out to us at michael<dot>dietz<at>waya<dot>ai