Releases: watzon/goshot
Releases · watzon/goshot
What's New in v0.7.0
- Added new color schemes and themes including 'garden', 'glacier', 'neonoir', 'obsidian', and 'parchment'
- Introduced redaction feature to automatically mask sensitive information in code snippets
- Added support for custom themes with embedded XML files
- Added support for light mode and improved dark mode handling
- Implemented configuration management using Viper with YAML support
- Added Args field to Config struct for better command-line argument support
- Added template-based prompt customization
- Updated default syntax highlight theme from 'seti' to 'ayu-dark'
- Improved color formatting with timestamps and decorative elements
- Refactored prompt template to use Go template syntax
- Enhanced terminal output autosizing and font rendering
- Improved font handling and terminal renderer
Bug Fixes
- Fixed font name references to use JetBrainsMonoNerdFont
- Improved color handling and defaults in formatter
- Fixed background and line number color defaults
- Fixed terminal output autosizing issues
- Fixed input language detection logic
Other Changes
- Removed sensitive files and enhanced security measures
- Updated documentation and examples
- Improved code organization and maintainability
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1
Command Execution!
This release adds support for terminal command execution, parsing of ANSI color escape sequences, and bypassing of Chroma's syntax highlighting to do our own custom highlighting matching the colors coming from your terminal. It also includes support for theme aware colors, so if the command your executing supports them you will see different colors based on the theme you have selected just like you would in a real terminal.
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0
- Added execute command functionality to capture command output
- Added auto-title feature for files and commands
- Added show-command option to display command with output
- Enhanced themes and languages list commands with better formatting
- Added fonts list command
- Made output flags mutually exclusive
What's New
- ✨ Enhanced CLI interface with improved styling and organization
- 🎨 Added support for multiple image formats (PNG, JPEG, BMP)
- 💄 Beautiful styled output using lipgloss for better visual hierarchy
- ♻️ Restructured flag groups for better organization
- 🔧 Automatic format detection from file extension
- 📝 Improved success/error messages with colored output
- 🏗️ Better code organization and error handling
Technical Changes
- Moved interactive mode to a separate package
- Extracted utility functions to utils.go
- Simplified main.go with better error handling
- Added support for saving images in different formats based on file extension
Full Changelog: v0.4.5...v0.4.15
Full Changelog: v0.4.4...v0.4.5
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.4.4