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How to use


  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Make sure you have MATLAB 2024b installed (The specific version matters cause Simulink ;-;)
  3. Install (do this with Matlab install when you can select multiple at once, if possible):
    • Simulink
    • Signal Processing Toolbox
    • DSP System Toolbox
    • Aerospace Toolbox
    • Aerospace Blockset
    • Control System Toolbox
    • Instrument Control Toolbox
    • MATLAB Support for MinGW-w64 C/C++/Fortran Compiler
  4. In Matlab run mex -setup C and mex -setup C++

Using the Sim

  1. open the CC_Flight_Simulation.slx in the plant-model folder
    a. Open as model and project
    b. Click on "continue" in the pop-up window
  2. When everything has loaded and simulink is open, click the big green start button in center of the top header


Most up to date internal documentation is here.
A backup is on the documentation branch.


This project contains the estimator and controller for the canards that will fly on the 2025 rocket, Aurora. Additionally, it contains a 6DOF rocket plant model designed to enable closed loop simulation (previously this has been done using or-brake), including sensor dynamics. There are a number of setup and support scripts for the main model (such as evaluating the Barrowman equations from input geometry).

Ideally, setting the rocket to simulate should be as easy as changing the first line in configure_plant_model.m to run the appropriate script. It probably isn't, so at that point you should ask someone for help

Sample Plots

This is a quick plot of sim vs OpenRocket results for Borealis, as an example of what the plant model can do.



Matlab/Simulink environment for flight simulation, and controller/estimator development.






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