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This module adds control for Photon geocoder.

This plugin was inspired from leaflet.photon repository.


npm i @watergis/mapbox.photon --save


Try codesandbox.

See demo.



  • note

This plugin uses komoot's photon API ( as default. However, please consider to have your own photon API if you want to use geocoding heavily in order to avoid many traffics for komoot server.

  • for geocoding
import MapboxPhotonGeocoder from "@watergis/mapbox.photon";
import '@watergis/mapbox.photon/css/styles.css';
import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';

const map = new mapboxgl.Map();
map.addControl(new MapboxPhotonGeocoder({
    placeholder: 'Start typing...',
    minChar: 3,
    limit: 5,
    submitDelay: 300,
    noResultLabel: 'No result',
    feedbackUrl: '',
    feedbackLabel: 'Feedback',
    // default adds a popup, but you may change the behaviour when the POI was selected.
    onSelected: function(choice) {
    // if you want to customise geocoding function
    doSearch: function(query, callback) {
    url: '',
    limit: 5,
    // if you want to filter by osm_tag parameter
    osm_tag: 'tourism',
    lang: 'ja',
    bbox: [], //specify minx, miny. maxx, maxy if you want to filter by particular area
    includePosition: true,
    location_bias_scale: 0.2
    // after creating a popup, it will zoom to this default zoom level
    popupZoomLevel: 14,
    // if you want to custmize popup content's html
    createContent: function(feature) {
}), 'top-left');
  • for reverse geocoding
import { PhotonReverse } from "@watergis/mapbox.photon";

const recverse = new PhotonReverse();
const result = await recverse.reverse(35.8664039, -1.0861514);


npm run lint # check styling of source code
npm run lint:fix # fix styling by eslint
npm run serve

open http://localhost:8080.

If there are any changes on source code, it will be reflected automatically.

Build package

npm run build

The modules will be generated under dist folder.

Deploy to Github pages

npm run deploy

It will deploy files under example folder to gh-pages.

How to release

npm version patch # it increase patch version 0.0.X
npm version minor # it increase minor version 0.x.0
npm version major # it increase major version x.0.0
git push origin main --tag
# release CI will create draft release in Github pages, then publish it if it is ready.
# publish CI will deploy npmjs and Github Packages.


This Mapbox GL Photon Control is still under development. so most welcome any feedbacks and pull request to this repository.