For linux you can just run
curl -s | bash -s
if you like.
brew install python3 python@2 neovim
pip install neovim
pip3 install neovim
sudo apt-get install neovim python2 python3
pip install neovim --user
pip3 install neovim --user
git clone ~/.config/nvim
nvim --headless +PlugInstall +PlugUpdate +GoUpdateBinaries +qall
nvim --headless +UpdateRemotePlugins +qall
nvim <filename>
# or
nvim .
# or
Once you have opened NeoVim, if you see errors it is possible the headless install did not work.
Without closing NeoVim, type :PlugInstall
and enter, followed by :UpdateRemotePlugins
and enter.
If you get further errors, try completely uninstalling and then reinstalling Python, Python3, Pip, and Pip3.