Simple form view controller based on UITableView UITableViewCell
This project does not use ARC and target iOS5.1.
I tested the codes only on iphone 5.1 simulator.
I use UIGlossyButton to build button in UITableViewCell. Thanks waterlou.
1.Download WfFormController.h and WfFormController.m.
2.Download UIGlossyButton.h and UIGlossyButton.m from here.
3.Drag 4 files mentioned above into your project.
4.Enjoy it.
##How to use
1.In your viewcontroller.m add "WfFormController.h".
2.Add codes:
WfFormCell* textCell0 = [WfFormCell textFieldCell:@"User Name" value:@"" target:nil valueChanged:nil] ;
textCell0.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress ;
textCell0.placeHolder = @"please input your name." ;
WfFormCell* textCell1 = [WfFormCell textFieldCell:@"Password" value:@"" target:nil valueChanged:nil] ;
textCell1.useSecurity = YES ;
WfFormCell* swi0 = [WfFormCell switcherCell:@"Switcher" value:YES target:self valueChanged:@selector(onSwitchValueChanged:)] ;
NSArray* ds0 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"exercising",@"studying",@"shopping",nil],nil] ;
WfFormCell* picker0 = [WfFormCell pickerCell:@"Go" value:@"exercising" datasrc:ds0 target:self valueChanged:@selector(onPostTimeValueChanged:)] ;
WfFormCell* boxCell = [WfFormCell textBoxCell:@"GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together."] ;
WfFormCell* button1 = [WfFormCell buttonCell:@"OK" target:self tapAction:@selector(onButtonTapped:) btnType:WfFormButtonCellTypeNavigationButton btnColor:nil];
NSArray* cellArray0 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:textCell0,textCell1,swi0,boxCell,button1, nil] ;
WfFormSection* section0 = [WfFormSection sectionTitle:nil cells:cellArray0] ;
section0.headerView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"headerViewImage.png"]] autorelease];
section0.footerView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"footerViewImage.png"]] autorelease];
NSArray* sectionArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:section0, nil] ;
WfFormController* formControl = [[WfFormController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped andSectionArray:sectionArray willComplete:^(void){
NSLog(@"User Name: %@",textCell0.textValue) ;
NSLog(@"Password: %@",textCell1.textValue) ;
return YES ;
}] ;
formControl.title = @"Demo" ;
[formControl autorelease] ;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:formControl animated:YES] ;
The MIT License (MIT)