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forked from yoe/dvswitch

live PAL/NTSC DV VideoMixer (network orientated) for file(s)/stream(s) originating from local/remote FireWire/iLink devices


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Warning This Page/Project is evolving, things can break/change/damage without notice during each commit!


  • live PAL/NTSC VideoMixer (network orientated) for DV file(s)/stream(s) originating from local FireWire/iLink devices like camera's, recorders or even remote ones on the network/internet.

  • fork of commit 1d73d4a which compiles and runs on ubuntu 16.04 i686/amd64(both tested)

  • reason 2015 mailinglist activity shows the dvswitch project is dead and removed from current ubuntu/debian repositories!

  • attempt to continue/add missing "half-assed" features to this beautifull robust software package that honours field interlacing!

##Compile and Run on ubuntu 16.04

Based on ubuntu 16.04 'mini.iso' install with tasksel options "standard system utilities + Ubuntu MATE minimal installation + OpenSSH-server" the following instructions should let you "compile" and "run" dvswitch:

#get the neccesary tools to compile and run dvswitch
sudo apt-get install dvgrab ffmpeg cmake build-essential libboost-thread-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libasound2-dev libxv-dev libjack-jackd2-dev liblo-dev git
#create folder to get sourcecode for dvswitch
mkdir ~/mygitprojects
cd ~/mygitprojects
#get dvswitch sourcecode
git clone
#create folder to compile dvswitch
mkdir -p mybuilds/dvswitch/build1
#prepare compiling dvswitch in current folder
cd mybuilds/dvswitch/build1
cmake ../../../dvswitch
#compile dvswitch

#test dvswitch or its subcommands located in the src folder
cd src
./dvswitch -p 1234 -h #probably won't start see error missing icons!
sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/dvswitch
sudo cp ~/mygitprojects/dvswitch/data/*.png /usr/local/share/dvswitch/ #install missing icons!
./dvswitch -p 1234 -h #starts the actual GUI based dvmixer 

./dvsource-dvgrab --firewire -p 1234 -h #subcommand connects 'some/single' DV iLink/FireWire to dvswitch
./dvsource-dvgrab --firewire -g typeGUIDcodehere -p 1234 -h #subcommand connects specific DV device to dvswitch

#What is typeGUIDcodehere? DV devices have unique codes that help identify same type/models so you can choose a specific
#camera to be the first or the third device in your video mixer. To find GUID codes, use terminal and type:dmesg | grep "GUID"

./dvsource-file -p 1234 -h -l  ~/mygitprojects/dvswitch/tests/test1.dv #subcommand -l loops file for continues playback in dvswitch 

./dvsink-files -p 1234 -h ~/Desktop/recordmixeroutput.dv #subcommand records the output of dvswitch(when record is pressed)!

#when dvswitch and it subcommands behave fine you can install it
cd ~/mygitprojects/mybuilds/dvswitch/build1
sudo make install #dvswitch gets installed with icons and related subcommands tools and can be run global from shell!

###Fix ubuntu 16.04 firewire sudo permissions /dev/fw* for "ancient" DV devices

Grabbing DV video signals with "dvgrab" or using "dvswitch" normally works for modern DV devices which get added to the video/audio USER GROUP automatically by udev without sudo permissions, but some "ancient" DV camera's are not recognized by the udev rules since 16.04!

#quick&dirty autopatch
sudo sed -i 's/0x010001/0x01000/g' /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules
sudo sed -i 's/0x010001/0x01000/g' /lib/udev/rules.d/70-uaccess.rules

#manual readon compare permisions of working "modern" dv devices with "ancient" dv devices
ls -la /dev/fw*
getfacl /dev/fw*
cat /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw1/* #shows more firewire info like ATTR

#wrong group root/video, no rw rights, missing +attribute, ATTR different!

#duplicate the lines in the following udev rules containing:
#*0x00a02d:0x010001* alter to the ATTR of the old sony camera *0x00a02d:0x010000*

sudo nano /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules
#SUBSYSTEM=="firewire", ATTR{units}=="*0x00a02d:0x010001*", GROUP="video"
+SUBSYSTEM=="firewire", ATTR{units}=="*0x00a02d:0x010000*", GROUP="video"

sudo nano /lib/udev/rules.d/70-uaccess.rules
#SUBSYSTEM=="firewire", ATTR{units}=="*0x00a02d:0x010001*", TAG+="uaccess"
+SUBSYSTEM=="firewire", ATTR{units}=="*0x00a02d:0x010000*", TAG+="uaccess"
Ubuntu 16.04 tweaks hdd/cpu
sudo nano /etc/hdparm.conf #uncomment apm=255 which disables hdd powermanagement
sudo nano /etc/init.d/ondemand #replace GOVERNOR="ondemand/performance/interactive/etc" all with "performance"


##TODO hard?

  • (re)start fileplayback of dvsource-file when source is selected in the dvswitch mixer (respond on taly activation)
  • Reorder GUI dvselector buttons (Label/A/B/Audio) horizontal in columns above thumb instead of rows beside thumb.
  • Compile OSX dvsource-file needs machtiming patch/rewrite timert (OSX Sierra timert still not sufficient)
  • automate/link "dvpause project" start/play button with source selection (keyboard press) in dvswitch?
  • composite transparant static or animating CGI/Logo #mlt can composite anything ontop of dvsink output incl. CasparCG
  • write native dvsink-producers for MLT-framework/CasparCG-server/obs-studio based on dvswitch-command to stream dvswitch out
  • changelog / version update official build?
  • example scripts of all great dv/firewire related tools / pipe-constructions
#mixer output of local dvswitch as a source to a remote dvswitch mixer input 
#depending on network topology Routing/NAT this command can be initiated local or remote
dvsink-command -p 1234 -h dvsource-file -- - -p 1235 -h

#record individual sources instead of dvswitch single mix output!
dvgrab -noavc -g typeGUIDcamera1 - | tee >(dvsource-dvgrab --firewire - -p 1234 -h >(~/Desktop/camera1fileoutput.dv) > /dev/null
dvgrab -noavc -g typeGUIDcamera2 - | tee >(dvsource-dvgrab --firewire - -p 1234 -h >(~/Desktop/camera2fileoutput.dv) > /dev/null
  • some firewire debug hints "lspci / kernel modules / dmesg / IRQ interrupts sharing / etc"
#lists pci(-e) FireWire adapter(s)
lspci | egrep "IEEE|Ieee|ieee|1394|Fire|FIRE|fire|OHCI|Ohci|ohci"

#lists kernelmodule(s) loaded
lsmod | egrep "IEEE|Ieee|ieee|1394|Fire|FIRE|fire|OHCI|Ohci|ohci|RAW|Raw|raw"

#list GUID of any FireWire device including the pci(-e) adapter(s) itself
dmesg | grep GUID #s400 are probably the pci(-e) chipsets itself, dv/hdv devices are probably s100

#list GUID of connected FireWire devices excluding the adapter(s) itself
dmesg | grep GUID | egrep -v "puts400GUIDhere|puts400GUIDhere|etc" #  

#show IRQ / interrupts of FireWire pci(-e) adapters or shared devices using the same interupt
cat /proc/interrupts | egrep "firewire|ohci"

##Other important DV related tools

  • dvgrab (easy cli capture util for dv/hdv firewire sources) see repository
#examples capture live dv in camera mode 
dvgrab -noavc -f raw ~/Desktop/testcapturecamerastream.dv #captures dv files usable by dvswitch/dvpause Final Cut X/Pro/Express
dvgrab -noavc -f raw -s 0 ~/Desktop/testcapturemaerastream.dv #captures dv 'unlimmited filesize' bigger than 1GB 
dvgrab -noavc -g typeGUIDcodehere -f raw -s 0 ~/Desktop/testcapturecamerestream.dv #captures unlimited dv from specific camera

#examples capture tape dv/hdv in recorder mode
dvgrab -rewind #rewinds tape in 1st/all recorders 
dvgrab -f raw -s 0 ~/Destkop/tape1-shot- #captures dv from tape from 1st recorder
dvgrab -f raw -s 0 -a ~/Destkop/tape1-shot- #captures dv from tape with 'shot/scene detection' from 1st recorder
dvgrab -f hdv -s 0 ~/Destkop/tape1-shot- #captures 'hdv' from tape from 1st recorder
dvgrab -g typecameraGUIDhere -f hdv -s 0 ~/Destkop/tape1-shot- #captures hdv from tape from specific recorder

#example convert movie file container type
cat rawdvexamplefile.dv | dvgrab --stdin -noavc -s 0 -f dv2 rawdvexamplefiletype2.avi #converts raw dv to type2 avi container
cat rawdvexamplefile.dv | dvgrab --stdin -noavc -f dv1 rawdvexamplefiletype1.avi #why??? limited compatibility/filesize

#play dv stream in mediaplayer
dvgrab -noavc - | vlc - #plays dv stream instantly in vlc
dvgrab -noavc - | mplayer -nocache - #less delay than vlc?
#to compile on ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libcairo2-dev #ontop of packages to compile dvswitch!!!

cd mygitprojects
git clone
cd dvpause


./main | dvsource-file - -p 1234 -h
#only works if dvswitch sub process 'dvsource-file' with "stdin option" was installed see dvswitch!

chmod +x
./ #edit this file for playlist item / dvswitch location!
#to compile on ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-dev libiec61883-dev libdv-bin libiec61883-0
cd examples
./test-dv filename-raw-video.dv #outputs dv file/stream back to iLink/FireWire recorder tape/monitor
./test-mpeg2 filename-mpeg2hdv.mts #untested

#install if all is working right!
sudo cp .libs/test-dv /usr/local/bin/ #installs test-dv command to make it global available (needs libiec61883-0 installed)

dvsink-command -p 1234 -h test-dv - #dvswitch live mixer outputs stream back to iLink/FireWire recorder tape/monitor!
  • ffmpeg see repository
TODO add examples howto:
*trim video in/out start stop mlt/kino?

*still repeats to pal-dv?
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i still.jpg -shortest -target pal-dv still.dv #?

*still sequence to pal-dv?

*convert any videotype to a raw DV 
ffmpeg -i dvd_vts_example.vob -vf "fieldorder=bff" -target pal-dv -aspect 16:9 output.dv #upperfield source to lowerfield dv (48Khz only)!

*stream to youtube
dvsink-command -p 1234 -h 'ffmpeg -re -i pipe:0  -acodec libmp3lame  -ar 44100 -b:a 128k -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -s 854x480 -bufsize 2048k -vb 1300k -maxrate 2000k -deinterlace -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -g 25 -r 25 -f flv "rtmp://"

*speedup 23,976p / 24p to 25 pal (eliminate judder) and letterbox non standard aspect ratio to max width
# (inspired by Bernd Butscheidt)
ffmpeg -i -vf 'scale=1024:-1,pad=1024:576:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2',setpts='24000/25000*(PTS-STARTPTS)' -sws_flags lanczos -af asetpts='24000/25000*(PTS-STARTPTS)',aresample=48000:async=1:min_comp=0.01:comp_duration=1:max_soft_comp=100000000:min_hard_comp=0.3 -r 25 -target pal-dv -aspect 16:9 dvtearsasetptswide.dv
#quick/dirty speedup audio out of sync possible depending on source?
ffmpeg -r 25 -i sintel-1280-surround.mp4 -vf 'scale=1024:-1,pad=1024:576:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2' -sws_flags lanczos -af atempo=1.04166666667 -r 25 -target pal-dv -aspect 16:9 dvsint.dv 

*720p50/1920p50 to pal-dv
ffmpeg -i source -flags +ildct+ilme -vf interlace=lowpass=1:scan=bff #test (Inapickle post#3)
ffmpeg -i source -vf "tinterlace=5:flags=vlpf" #test (Inapickle post#3)
ffmpeg -i 50p_input.avi -aspect 16:9 -vf scale=720:576,colormatrix=bt709:bt601,interlace #test ( poisondeathray post#6)
# #see next mpv

*1920p25 to pal-dv

*1920i50/1920i25 to pal-dv
ffmpeg -i input.mts -aspect 16:9 -vf scale=720:576:interl=1,colormatrix=bt709:bt601 #test ( poisondeathray post#6)

*other 29.976/30 59/60 ntsc based material to pal-dv

*dvsink-command pipe Decklink SDI output add overlay png/tga watermark
dvsink-command -p 1234 -h 
'' #contents below
melt -profile dv_pal_wide pipe: -consumer decklink -filter watermark:~/logo-anamorph.png distort=1

*mlt DV chroma upsameling error interlacing artifacts yuv420p > yuv422p fixed

*melt firewire input specify dvguid option?
melt iec61883:auto #works only with single firewire device per firewire card auto is firewire card number


live PAL/NTSC DV VideoMixer (network orientated) for file(s)/stream(s) originating from local/remote FireWire/iLink devices







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  • C++ 59.5%
  • C 32.5%
  • CMake 7.5%
  • Other 0.5%