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wai.annotations module for managing object detection annotations using ROI CSV files.

The manual is available here:


Simple, CSV spreadsheet-based annotation format, which can either use top/left and width/height or top/left and bottom/right for coordinates (and normalized values). Additionally, it can store polygon coordinates as well. That way, it can be used for bounding boxes and shapes alike.

  • common columns

    • file: the file name
    • label: the label index (0-based)
    • label_str: the label string
    • score: the prediction score
    • poly_x: the x coordinates of the shape (comma-separated)
    • poly_y: the y coordinates of the shape (comma-separated)
    • poly_xn: the (normalized) x coordinates of the shape (comma-separated)
    • poly_yn: the (normalized) y coordinates of the shape (comma-separated)
  • top/left and width/height columns

    • x: the left coordinate
    • y: the top coordinate
    • w: the width of the bbox
    • h: the height of the bbox
    • xn: the (normalized) left coordinate
    • yn: the (normalized) top coordinate
    • wn: the (normalized) width of the bbox
    • hn: the (normalized) height of the bbox
  • top/left and bottom/right columns

    • x0: the left coordinate
    • y0: the top coordinate
    • x1: the right coordinate
    • y1: the bottom coordinate
    • x0n: the (normalized) left coordinate
    • y0n: the (normalized) top coordinate
    • x1n: the (normalized) right coordinate
    • y1n: the (normalized) bottom coordinate



Reads image object-detection annotations in the ROI CSV-format


  • Image Object-Detection Domain


usage: from-roi-od [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [--seed SEED] [-e FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT] [--prefix READER_PREFIX] [--suffix READER_SUFFIX]

optional arguments:
  -I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
                        Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax)
                        Input files (can use glob syntax)
  -N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
                        Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax)
  -n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
                        Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax)
  --seed SEED           the seed to use for randomisation
                        image format extensions in order of preference
  --prefix READER_PREFIX
                        the prefix for output filenames (default = '')
  --suffix READER_SUFFIX
                        the suffix for output filenames (default = '-rois.csv')


Writes image object-detection annotations in the ROI CSV-format


  • Image Object-Detection Domain


usage: to-roi-od [-d WIDTH HEIGHT] [--annotations-only] [--comments COMMENTS [COMMENTS ...]] -o PATH [--size-mode] [--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]] [--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]] [--prefix WRITER_PREFIX] [--suffix WRITER_SUFFIX]

optional arguments:
  -d WIDTH HEIGHT, --image-dimensions WIDTH HEIGHT
                        image dimensions to use if none can be inferred
  --annotations-only    skip the writing of data files, outputting only the annotation files
  --comments COMMENTS [COMMENTS ...]
                        comments to write to the beginning of the ROI file
  -o PATH, --output PATH
                        output directory to write files to
  --size-mode           writes the ROI files with x,y,w,h headers instead of x0,y0,x1,y1
  --split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]
                        the names to use for the splits
  --split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]
                        the ratios to use for the splits
  --prefix WRITER_PREFIX
                        the prefix for output filenames (default = '')
  --suffix WRITER_SUFFIX
                        the suffix for output filenames (default = '-rois.csv')