Probably the slowest FLAC decoder in the world.
- Very verbose output
- 8, 16, 24 bit depth. Probably supports 32 bit also but not tested as there seems to be no encoder that supports it
- All channel configurations but only mono, stereo and side channel stereo files tested
- Parses all metadata blocks
- Frame header and footer CRC and samples MD5
./flac.tcl [file.flac] [file.wav]
If input or output file is not specified stdin and stdout is used. Log is written to stderr.
Run tests, requires ffmpeg, tcl and flac cli tool:
./ ./flac.tcl [TEMPDIR]
Or run tests using docker:
docker build .
00000000-00000003 32 Magic: fLaC
00000004-00000004 - Metablock:
00000004-00000004 1 Last block: 0
00000004-00000004 7 Type: Streaminfo
00000005-00000007 24 Length: 34
00000008-00000009 16 Minimum block size (samples): 4608
0000000a-0000000b 16 Maximum block size (samples): 4608
0000000c-0000000e 24 Minimum frame size (bytes): 16
0000000f-00000011 24 Maximum frame size (bytes): 28106
00000012-00000014 20 Sample rate: 44100
00000014-00000014 3 Channels: 2
00000014-00000015 5 Bits per sample: 24
00000015-00000019 36 Total samples in stream: 44100
0000001a-00000029 128 MD5: 6e852e22654d74254205c304a6fa5d69
0000002a-0000002a - Metablock:
0000002a-0000002a 1 Last block: 0
0000002a-0000002a 7 Type: Vorbis comment
0000002b-0000002d 24 Length: 46
0000002e-00000031 32 Vendor length: 13
00000032-0000003e 104 Vendor string: Lavf58.45.100
0000003f-00000042 32 User comment list length: 1
00000043-00000043 - User comments:
00000043-00000043 - 0:
00000043-00000046 32 Length: 21
00000047-0000005b 168 String: encoder=Lavf58.45.100
0000005c-0000005c - Metablock:
0000005c-0000005c 1 Last block: 1
0000005c-0000005c 7 Type: Padding
0000005d-0000005f 24 Length: 8192
00000060-0000205f 65536 Data:
00002060-00002060 - Frame:
00002060-00002061 14 Sync: 3ffe (correct)
00002061-00002061 1 Reserved: 0 (correct)
00002061-00002061 1 Blocking strategy: Fixed
0001fa82-0001fa82 - Subframe:
0001fa82-0001fa82 0 Side channel bits: 0
0001fa82-0001fa82 1 Zero bit: 0 (correct)
0001fa82-0001fa83 6 Subframe type: LPC
0001fa83-0001fa83 0 Order: 5
0001fa83-0001fa83 1 Wasted bits flag: 1
0001fa83-0001fa84 8 Wasted bits k: 8
0001fa84-0001fa8e 80 Warmup samples: 5 samples
0001fa8e-0001fa8e 4 Precision: 15
0001fa8f-0001fa8f 5 Shift: 13
0001fa8f-0001fa98 75 Coefficients: 5 coefficients
0001fa99-0001fa99 2 Residual coding method: Rice (4)
0001fa99-0001fa99 0 Rice parameter bits: 4
0001fa99-0001fa99 0 Rice escape code: 15
0001fa99-0001fa99 4 Partition order: 0
0001fa99-0001fa99 0 Rice partitions: 1
0001fa99-0001fa99 - Partition:
0001fa99-0001fa9a 4 Rice parameter: 0
0001fa9a-0001fd45 5466 Samples: 2623 samples
0001fd45-0001fd45 4 Byte align padding: 0
0001fd46-0001fd47 16 Footer CRC: 643a (correct)
0001fd48-0001fd47 0 MD5: 6e852e22654d74254205c304a6fa5d69 (correct)
0001fd48-0001fd47 0 Stream samples: 44100
0001fd48-0001fd47 0 Decoded samples: 44100
I wanted to learn more about FLAC and in the process write a HexFiend binary template to parse the overall structure. It turns out you have to parse quite a lot to figure out the size of a subframe so why not try to decode the whole thing.
Overall structure
Magic "fLaC"
One or more metablocks:
Sample size
Sample rate
Block size
Number of channels
<Seektable etc>
Zero or more <Frame>:
Channel configuration (mono, stereo, side/mid)
One <Subframe> for each channel:
One of:
Same sample value whole frame
Uncompressed samples
<Fixed> (LPC with predefined coefficients)
<Warmup samples>
<Warmup samples>
Order * sample size samples
Order * precision coefficients
One of:
Rice encoding with 4 bit:
Rice encoding with 5 bit:
One or more partitions:
Rice encoded samples:
Escaped uncompressed samples
Zigzag integer:
Unary encoded high bits + rice bits low bits
Byte align bits
Side/Mid subframes calculate final left/right samples based on other or all subframes in same frame
Side subframe has one extra sample size bit. Where is it documented?
How to handle frame with different sample rate or sample size than in streaminfo? always same?
Where is zigzag integer encoding usage documented?
Where is UTF-8 encoded integer documented?
Where are fixed LPC coefficients documented?
Wasted bits are subtracted from sample size before reading subframe and shift back after decoding
Number of samples in a subframe is warmup samples + rice partition samples, should add up to frame.blocksize