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Meeting Planner Resources

ianbjacobs edited this page Oct 4, 2023 · 168 revisions



Call for TPAC Breakouts

From: Ian
Date: 28 June 2023
Subject: Call for TPAC 2023 Breakout Sessions
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]

Other copies of this message:

  • Ian will also send to Registrants; include apology for multiple copies.
  • Marcomm will send to w3c-ac-members

FOR 2024: Include call for volunteers to be session buddies for first-time chairs.

Dear Chairs / Advisory Committee Representative,

We look forward to seeing you soon in Seville for TPAC 2023 [1].

On Wednesday, 13 September, we will hold our customary "unconference," where TPAC participants determine the agenda and facilitate breakout sessions. These breakout sessions provide opportunities to introduce, discuss, and receive feedback on new topics that fall outside of the boundaries of existing W3C groups.

This year we introduce new features of the unconference day:

  • Breakout session chairs may choose either 60-minute or 30-minute slots.
  • Participants will use GitHub to propose, discuss, and update session information. The meeting planners will automatically integrate this GitHub data into the TPAC 2023 site and breakout session calendar [2].

Once again this year:

  • All breakout sessions will have both a physical and a virtual component: a room in the event venue with Zoom teleconference support. Zoom information will be available from the TPAC breakout calendar.
  • Breakouts that are public (the default) will be open to anyone to join remotely, free of charge, without a TPAC registration.

This year we have space for more than 50 sessions between 9:30am and 18:30 local time (along with breaks and lunch).

To view proposed sessions:

Before proposing a session, please see good practices for session chairs and how to propose a session:

To propose a session:

We would like to receive all breakout session proposals no later than 3 September.

Once we have scheduled sessions, they will appear in the TPAC breakout calendar:

Please contact François Daoust and Ian Jacobs with any questions about the organization of TPAC breakouts.

For other questions about TPAC, please write to <[email protected]>.

With kind regards,
Ian and François


Reminder of Call for TPAC Breakouts

From: Ian
Date: 26 July 2023
Subject: Reminder of Call for TPAC 2023 Breakout Sessions (before 3 September)
To: [email protected]

Other copies of this message:

  • Ian will also send to Registrants in bcc; include apology for multiple copies.
  • Marcomm will send to w3c-ac-members

Dear Chairs / Advisory Committee Representative / TPAC Registrants,

TPAC 2023 [1] is only about 7 weeks away! If you plan to propose a breakout session (for Wednesday, 13 September), please take a moment to do so and help generate momentum for the week's agenda. We would like to receive all breakout session proposals no later than 3 September.

To view proposed sessions:

If there are sessions of particular interest to you, we encourage you to express support through GitHub emojis.

For information about good practices, proposing a session, and more, see:

Please contact François Daoust and Ian Jacobs with any questions about the organization of TPAC breakouts.

For other questions about TPAC, please write to <[email protected]>.

With kind regards,
Ian and François


Second Reminder of Call for TPAC Breakouts

From: Ian
Date: 28 August 2023
Subject: Two Weeks Left to propose a TPAC Breakout Session
To: [email protected]

Other copies of this message:

  • Ian will also send to Registrants in bcc; include apology for multiple copies.
  • Marcomm will send to w3c-ac-members

Dear Chairs / Advisory Committee Representative / TPAC Registrants,

TPAC 2023 [1] is just 2 weeks away! If you plan to propose a breakout session (for Wednesday, 13 September), please do so before 3 September.

We have already received 46 proposals:

If any of those sessions are of particular interest to you, we encourage you to express support through GitHub emojis.

We are currently planning for about 60 sessions. We plan to announce a draft breakout schedule around 7 September.

For information about good practices, proposing a session, and more, see:

Please contact François Daoust and Ian Jacobs with any questions about the organization of TPAC breakouts.

For other questions about TPAC, please write to <[email protected]>.

With kind regards,
Ian and François


Draft breakout schedule available

Date: 7 September 2023
Subject: Draft schedule for TPAC 2023 breakout sessions
Bcc: TPAC Breakout Session Chairs (Emails available via breakout repo tool)

Dear TPAC Breakout Session Chairs,

We're pleased to announce a DRAFT schedule for TPAC breakout sessions, available in multiple formats:

By 10 September (and as soon as you can), please:

  • Check the slot(s) assigned for your session. If you cannot live with it, please let us know.
  • If no session Chair will be in-person at TPAC, let us know by responding privately to this message.

By 13 September, please:

A slide template is available if you wish to use it:

Note: We have created several "tracks" for thematically related sessions. For a given track, no two sessions are scheduled in the same time slot, except where this cannot be avoided given the limited number of time slots.

Upcoming schedule:

  • 11 September: Announcement of stable breakout calendar. Room name and Zoom information will be available in the TPAC breakout calendar.
  • 12 September: Announcement with reminder of key actions during your session
  • 13 September: Day of your session

Thanks again for leading a session!

With kind regards,
Ian and François

Stable breakout schedule available

From: Ian
Date: 11 September 2023
Subject: Stable schedule for TPAC 2023 breakout sessions
Bcc: Registrants (list available from big meetings info in database)

Dear TPAC registrants,

We're pleased to announce a stable schedule for Wednesday TPAC breakout sessions, available in multiple formats:

For session details (including room name and zoom information), please subscribe to the breakout session calendar, which we will update in case of any changes:

Please do not share zoom links on social media (to avoid unwanted disruptions).

Note: We have created several "tracks" for thematically related sessions. For a given track, no two sessions are scheduled in the same time slot, except where this cannot be avoided given the limited number of time slots.

The timing of breaks and lunches is slightly different than other days of TPAC 2023, please see:

Please review this year's health rules for attendees:

With kind regards,
Ian and François

Reminder about Key Breakout Session Actions

From: Ian
Date: 12 September 2023
Subject: Reminder about Key Breakout Session Actions
Bcc: TPAC Breakout Session Chairs (Emails available via breakout repo tool)

Dear TPAC Breakout Session Chairs,

Room name, zoom, and other information about your breakout session tomorrow is available in the TPAC breakout calendar:

Before your session:

  • Please add to your GitHub session description any links you have to an agenda and/or slides.
  • If no session Chair will be in-person at TPAC, please let us know by responding privately to this message.
  • The meeting planners will arrange for minutes bots (zakim and rrsagent) to be up and running in the IRC channel named in your session description before your session starts. You will find there a default agenda (created with agenda+) that you can adjust as needed. For more on Zakim, see:

During your session, please:

  • Start your Zoom session by pushing the "Breakout" entry on the device in your room.
  • Find scribe(s).
  • Remind people of policies: code of conduct, antitrust guidance, health policies, recording (if applicable).
  • Be attentive to remote participants.
  • Before you adjourn, tell people where the conversation will continue.
  • When you adjourn, please end the Zoom sessions on the device in your room.

For more guidance on running your session (including participation policies), see:

If you need help, you'll find us on #tpac-help

With kind regards,
Ian and François

Post-TPAC thank you and request for minutes

From: Ian
Date: 20 September 2023
Subject: TPAC breakouts follow-up
Bcc: Session chairs

Dear TPAC Breakout Chairs,

Thank you for running a TPAC breakout session [1]. We would like to make it easy for the people who participated in your breakout and the broader W3C community to find out how it went. To that end:

  • Please update your session description on GitHub with links to any minutes, notes, slides, or other materials. Alternatively, you can send them to us and we will update your session.

  • Please make sure your meeting materials are publicly available and can be easily archived. Where possible, we will copy meeting materials to for posterity.

  • If you recorded your session through Zoom, we have the recordings already and will publish them soon; once done, please help us improve the quality of the automatically generated subtitles and transcript. Please be reminded of our recording policy:

  • To let people know where the discussion will continue (e.g., in a Community Group or mailing list), please add comments to the GitHub issue where you described your session.

  • Please do not close the issue associated with your session!

We also welcome feedback on your experience organizing and running a breakout session so that we may continue to improve TPAC.

Thank you!

With kind regards,
Ian and François
