The script
installs everything, assuming to be in an environment with python>=3.9
with dev packages installed.
Preliminary commands to install from scratch on ubuntu, including creating a DGE environment:
sudo apt install python3.9
sudo apt install python3.9-venv
sudo apt-get install python3.9-dev
python3.9 -m venv ~/envs/DGE
source ~/envs/DGE/bin/activate
# install torch with gpu capability with cuda 11.6
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
chmod +x
executes the following steps:
- Download and unpack eigen package:
- Download, unpack and install lp-sparsemap package:
- Build the current project
The main script for running DAGuerreotype is
By default the following runs a bi-level optimization of SparseMAP + linear edge estimator on the Sachs dataset:
python -m daguerreo.run_model
For joint optimization add the joint argument
python -m daguerreo.run_model --joint
Use the --structure
option to change structure estimator, e.g.,
python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure tk_sp_max
python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure rnd_rank
To use the LARS edge estimator (important: must set --sparsifier to none)
python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure tk_sp_max --equations lars --sparsifier none --nogpu
python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure sp_map --equations lars --sparsifier none --nogpu
For synthetic data (by default 10-nodes ER graph with linear Gaussian noise model) use the following
python -m daguerreo.run_model --joint --dataset synthetic
python -m daguerreo.run_model --dataset synthetic --graph_type BP --sem_type gumbel --num_nodes 50 --num_samples 2000 --noise_scale 0.3 --s0 1
To initialize the score vector of the order learners to the marginal variances use --init_theta variances
(default is a vector of all 0s).
You can also add the following options:
to track and log results with WandB;--nogpu
to force training on cpu;--standardize
to standardize the data before learning (otherwise it is only 0-centered).
To replicate the results on Sachs and Syntren reported in the paper, run
To carry out a Bayesian Optimization of the hyper-parameters using optuna as described in Appendix D of the paper, run e.g.,
python -m daguerreo.hpo --dataset=synthetic --num_nodes=20 --project=hpo --joint --wandb --structure=$s --equations=$e --sparsifier=$p
Implemented structure learners are defined in daguerreo/
: SparseMAP operator for learning orderings on the Permutahedrondaguerreo.structures.TopKSparseMaxSVStructure
: Top-K SparseMax operator for learning orderings on the Permutahedrondaguerreo.structures.FixedVectorStructure
: module for using a fix ordering (random or true ordering)
They all return complete DAGs (later pruned by a sparsifier). New structures should extend daguerreo.structures.Structure
Implemented edge estimators are defined in daguerreo/
: differentiable linear layer X -> X Wdaguerreo.equations.NonlinearEquations
: differentiable one-hidden-layer network with leaky ReLU activationdaguerreo.equations.LARSAlgorithm
: non-differentiable regressor as described in Beware of the Simulated DAG! Causal Discovery Benchmarks May Be Easy To Game
New estimators should extend daguerreo.equations.Equations
Implemented edge sparsifiers are defined in daguerreo/
: L0 pruner parametrized by a Bernouilli per edge and using the Straight-Through Estimatordaguerreo.sparsifiers.NoSparsifier
: dummy module when no sparsifier is wanted/needed
New sparsifiers should extend daguerreo.sparsifiers.Sparsifier
title={DAG Learning via Sparse Relaxations},
author={Zantedeschi, Valentina and Franceschi, Luca and Kaddour, Jean and Kusner, Matt and Niculae, Vlad},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},