Issues are referring to, for the purpose of this project, tasks and complications Ryan or Tatsuya has found and would assign it to someone Tasks would be things such as "we need a code for this actions" or "we need a model of this." Complications would be errors in the code or if someone disagrees with the looks of a particular model and we need someone to fix it To fix the issues that arises in the project, it'll be fix via the pull requests Note that only Ryan and Tatsuya can assign an issue, however if anyone have an issue, you can discuss it with one of the two
This is how we will resolve the issues that would come up along the game's processes The pull request will be done via the creation of a new file that will reference the original issue This is done in the code page by creating a new code/file, going to the end of the page to find the selection that offers it to make a separate branch+a pull request Select this to create a pull request and add a comment on the new branch to indicate that the pull request is to resolve an issue Then when this is done, go to the comment section and there would be a selection to reference an issue; find the appropriate issue and select it and there, the pull request has been created
Create a new file and when you're scrolling down to commit it hit the check mark box for a new branch.