See Demos wiki page
If you are an experienced Dojo Toolkit developer or you would like to make a custom djeo build, read the article.
The "Hello World!" application is more or less self explaining. It can be found in the built version of djeo (see above). The code of the application is also presented below.
A tutorial (under development) is located here. Examples from the tutorial can be found in the built version under djeo-tutorial directory or in the djeo-tutorial repo.
Place a file with the code sample in a directory next to dojo, dijit, djeo directories
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dijit/themes/claro/claro.css"/>
Supported mapping engines (replace the value for djeoEngine parameter)
Leaflet - djeoEngine:'leaflet'
Google Maps API - djeoEngine:'gmaps'
Google Earth API - djeoEngine:'ge'
ArcGIS API for JavaScript - djeoEngine: 'esri'
Yandex Maps API - djeoEngine:'ymaps'
native djeo engine - djeoEngine:'djeo'
<script src="../dojo/dojo.js" data-dojo-config="
djeoEngine: 'leaflet'
var features = [
name: "Bermuda triangle",
type: "Polygon",
coords: [ [ [-64.89,32.24], [-80.15,25.7], [-66.07,18.46], [-64.89,32.24] ] ],
style: {
fill: "lime",
fillOpacity: 0.6,
stroke: "green",
strokeWidth: 3
name: "Paris-London railway",
type: "LineString",
coords: [ [2.36,48.88], [3.08,50.64], [1.81,50.90], [0.87,51.14], [-0.13,51.53] ],
style: {
stroke: "red",
strokeWidth: 2
name: "Hello world!",
type: "Point",
coords: [-30, 30],
style: {
size: [49, 60],
img: ""
function(Map, Navigation, Highlight, Tooltip){
var map = new Map("map", {
features: features,
layers: "roadmap",
//layers: "webtiles:http://[a,b,c]"
new Navigation(map);
new Highlight(map);
new Tooltip(map);
<body class="claro">
<div id="map" style="width:800px;height:400px;"></div>
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All contributors are required to sign a Contributors License Agreement (CLA). See for the details.