- Concept: Create API endpoint with business logic to Gamify Dating
- Tech stack: API with Ruby on Rails, Frontend with Angularjs, Realtime feature with Nodejs, database with MongoDB, Redis
- POST: /api/v1/users
- Params: email, password, password_confirmation, name, gender
- POST: /api/v1/sessions
- Params: email, password
- DELETE: /api/v1/sessions
- Set header 'Authorization' with 'Bearer ' + token
#####Update user
- PUT: /api/v1/users/:id
- Params: email, profile [age, interest, location, avatar]
#####Delete user
- DELETE: /api/v1/users/:id
###Profile endpoints
#####Get profile
- GET: /api/v1/profiles/:id (with :id => userId)
#####Update profile
- PUT: /ap1/v1/profiles/:id
- Params: age, interests, location, avatar
###Contest endpoints
#####Get contests
- GET: /api/v1/contests
#####Post contest
- POST: /api/v1/contests
- Params: post, att (eg: minutes, metters), rule (eg: higher, lowest), ended_at, pic (array), u => [u_id, name, avatar]
#####Update contest
- PUT: /api/v1/contests/:id (with id => contestId)
- Params: post, att, rule, ended_at, :pic
#####Delete contest
- DELETE: /api/v1/contests/:id
###Participation endpoints
#####Get participations
- GET: api/v1/participations
#####Post participation
- POST: api/v1/participations
- Params: post, point, u => [u_id, name, avatar], pic
#####Update participation
- PUT: api/v1/participations/:id (with id => participationId)
- Params: post, point
#####Delete participation
- DELETE: api/v1/participations/:id
#####Other endpoints avalable via
rake routes