Contains application source code
Contains stateless, lean components. We can use anywhere without big updates. When writing code we do not forget KISS.
Contains static datas of app. With this folder, we can manage all static fields by one location.
Contains screen of app. You can create sub container components in related container.
It is presentational segment of component.It must be stateless.Do not write business logic and do not bind redux.
It is business and flow segment of component. It must contain only related presentational component.
Contains util and helper class. These functions must be simple.
Contains images.
Contains feature based redux elements. Every module must be same name with related container.
It must be contain action types, actions and reducer. We want keep simple every changes. If we split these domains to seperate files, When add a new action, a lot of file affected. We escaping this case.
Contains first-party middlewares.
Contains wrappers of services.