This is repository contains pre-trained models and code accompanying the paper Captioning Images with Diverse Objects.
While object recognition models can recognize thousands of categories of objects such as jackals and anteaters, description models cannot compose sentences to describe these objects correctly in context. Our novel object captioner model overcomes this problem by building visual description systems which can describe new objects without pairs of images and sentences about these objects.
To get started you need to compile from this branch of caffe:
git clone
Compile Caffe
To compile Caffe, please refer to the Installation page.
Pre-trained models corresponding to the results reported in the paper can be dowloaded here: Drive link, Dropbox link
Change directory and download the pre-trained models.
cd examples/noc
Run the captioner.
python -i images_list.txt
Output with the default options:
Captioning 10 images...
Text output will be written to:
CNN ...
Computing features for images 0-9 of 10
Generated caption (length 11, log_p = -8.323791, log_p_word = -0.756708):
A man is sitting at a table with a cake.
Generated caption (length 12, log_p = -9.886197, log_p_word = -0.823850):
A group of people standing on a beach with a kite.
Generated caption (length 12, log_p = -13.384445, log_p_word = -1.115370):
A street sign on a city street with cars and cars.
Generated caption (length 12, log_p = -9.699789, log_p_word = -0.808316):
A dog laying on top of a white and black dog.
Generated caption (length 10, log_p = -5.238667, log_p_word = -0.523867):
A man riding skis down a snow covered slope.
Generated caption (length 10, log_p = -12.567964, log_p_word = -1.256796):
A truck with a large truck on the back.
Generated caption (length 12, log_p = -9.764039, log_p_word = -0.813670):
A man is holding a glass of wine in his hand.
Generated caption (length 12, log_p = -10.339204, log_p_word = -0.861600):
A man is standing in the dirt with a baseball bat.
Generated caption (length 10, log_p = -8.151620, log_p_word = -0.815162):
A woodpecker sitting on a tree in a park.
Generated caption (length 50, log_p = -41.878472, log_p_word = -0.837569):
A woman holding a giant flounder in the background ...
NOTE1: The model is not trained on all COCO objects and is hence not competitive with other models trained on all MSCOCO training/val data
NOTE2: The model is trained on imagenet labels for some objects refer to the following section on training the model to know more.
To train the model you need to download the MSCOCO image captioning dataset
(the splits for training and held-out images are in data_utils/image_list/
We also use the ImageNet dataset ( For the ImageNet
experiments, some classes are outside the 1,000 classes chosen for the ILSVRC
challenge. To see which images we used, refer to image ids in data_utils/image_list/
which includes imagenet image filename and label used for training.
Please refer to the Deep Compositional Captioning link here for help with downloading the data.
Model Training scripts
- Model prototext is specified in
- Solver prototext including hyperparameters are in
- Script to launch the training job is in
Code to prepare training hdf5 data
The network has 3 components one which takes just images with labels, the next
takes input images and corresponding captions, and the third part takes just
text as input. The code in data_utils
is provided as a reference to generate
all 3 types of data.
creates hdf5 data from images with labels (like imagenet, or coco images with multiple labels).data_utils/
creates hdf5 data from images with captions.data_utils/
creates hdf5 from plain text data.
If you find this code helpful, please consider citing:
Captioning Images with Diverse Objects
Captioning Images with Diverse Objects
S. Venugopalan, L. A. Hendricks, M. Rohrbach, R. Mooney, T. Darrell, K. Saenko
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017
title = {Captioning Images with Diverse Objects},
author={Venugopalan, Subhashini and Hendricks, Lisa Anne and Rohrbach,
Marcus and Mooney, Raymond, and Darrell, Trevor and Saenko, Kate},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2017}
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