#Explanation of what scripts do
- eQTLs_scripts/create_eQTL_summary.R creates a summary file by running the snpStats analysis on all identified cis-eQTL loci based on matrixeQTL, then pulls the best SNP based on P-value and reports that best SNP in the summary table.
- Pickrell/create_Pickrell_input.R creates the "locus based" summary file with P-values, alleles, effect size... in one genomic region
- MatrixEQTL
- snpStats
- ggplot2
It may be useful to run:
scl enable devtoolset-1.1 'bash'
#Explanation of eQTL pipeline
one file for each "condition", which can be a cell type, a time point, an activation for format of each file must be:
- expression_[condition].RData where [condition] will vary depending on the data.
- Each of these RData file must contain two R objects:
Condition is a matrix of numbers, withrow.names
that match the ProbeID column of the support file and colnames that match the different individuals in the dataset.
The support.[condition]
includes the following columns:
row names
must be a unique identified, typically the probe (mandatory)ensemblID
(mandatory, human readable version of ensemblID)gene.chromosome
(optional, if missing inferred from ensemblID)gene.position.start
(optional, if missing inferred from ensemblID)gene.position.end
(optional, if missing inferred from ensemblID)
The scripts assume the expression data has already been normalised.
must remain to mark the gene but Gene.name becomes something like SORT1_ex5 to identify the exon of interest.
One file per chromosome, stored in snpStats format, called
(no RData suffix, for no good reason)
The name of the object must be genotypes
in each file.
The genotypes
R object is a list that contains:
- Mandatory:
which is a snpStats object, snps ideally in rsid format - Mandatory:
file, with columns: SNP, allele.1, allele.2, position. Make sure position is typed as integer and that the rownames of thegenotype$map
data frame are the unique snp.names - Optional: a ped file,
Two potential files:
- binary.RData contain a single object named binary.pheno
- continuous.RData contains a single object named continuous.pheno
numeric matrix, columns are measurements and rows are sample IDs that MUST match the genotypes Cut out columns to leave only metabolites Don't forget the row and column names.
basic is a file called *covariates.tab tab delimited, must contain the colum "id" that matches the sample names
######## Summary stats file, choice of headers:
- SNPID, CHR, POS, then BETA.biom, SE.biom, PVAL.biom, N.biom in biom_chrXX.RData where biom is a code (ht), df
- SNPID, CHR, POS, then BETA.cc, SE.cc, PVAL.cc, N.cc, Ncases.cc in cc_chrXX.RData where cc is a code (SCZ...).df name of dataframes: biomarker or cc
automated generation of these files from : genotypes, phenotypes, and covariates