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This module provide a users managing system for your yii2 application.

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Yii2 users module.

This module provide a users managing system for your yii2 application.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist vova07/yii2-users-module "*"

or add

"vova07/yii2-users-module": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Add yii2-users-module to module section of each application config:

'modules' => [
    'users' => [
        'class' => 'vova07\users\Module',
        'requireEmailConfirmation' => false, // By default is true. It mean that new user will need to confirm their email address.
        'robotEmail' => '[email protected]', // E-mail address from that will be sent all `users` emails.
        'robotName' => 'My Robot Name', // By default is `Yii::$app->name . ' robot'`.
        'activationWithin' => 86400, // The time before a sent activation token becomes invalid.
        'recoveryWithin' => 14400, // The time before a sent recovery token becomes invalid.
        'recordsPerPage' => 10, // Users pe page.
        'adminRoles' => ['superadmin', 'admin'], // User roles that can access backend module.

Add or edit user component section:

'user' => [
    'class' => 'yii\web\User',
    'identityClass' => 'vova07\users\models\User',
    'loginUrl' => ['/users/guest/login']  // For frontend app
    // 'loginUrl' => ['/users/admin/login']  // For backend app

Add or edit authManager component section:

'authManager' => [
    'class' => 'yii\rbac\PhpManager',
    'defaultRoles' => [
    'itemFile' => '@vova07/rbac/data/items.php',
    'assignmentFile' => '@vova07/rbac/data/assignments.php',
    'ruleFile' => '@vova07/rbac/data/rules.php',

Run module migration:

php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vova07/users/migrations


Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by:


By default will be created one superadmin user with login admin and password admin12345.

After installation you'll be able to access below links (relative to your site domain):


  • /users/ - All users page
  • /users/admin/ - Admin page
  • /login/ - Log In page
  • /logout/ - Log Out page
  • /signup/ - Sign Up page
  • /recovery/ - Password recovery page
  • /resend/ - Resend email activation token
  • /activation/ - Accaunt activation page
  • /recovery-confirmation/ - Password reset page
  • /my/settings/email/ - Email change page
  • /my/settings/password/ - Password change page
  • /my/settings/update/ - Profile update page


You'll need to specify universal route '<_m>/<_c>/<_a>' => '<_m>/<_c>/<_a>' in your config file to access module actions.

  • /users/admin/login/ - Log In page
  • /users/admin/logout/ - Log Out page
  • /users/crud/index/ - All users page
  • /users/crud/view/ - User page
  • /users/crud/create/ - Create new user page
  • /users/crud/update/ - Update user page
  • /users/crud/delete/ - Delete one user
  • /users/crud/batch-delete/ - Delete more users



This module provide a users managing system for your yii2 application.






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