This application allows an admin to add a link in the Nextcloud web interface Apps menu that points to an external website. By simply entering the URL and the name for the external site, an icon appears. When this icon is clicked by a user, the external website appears in the Nextcloud frame. For the user, this external site appears as if it is part of Nextcloud but, in fact, this can be any external URL.
It is also possible to get the sites via an OCS endpoint. The request must be authenticated. Only sites for the userΒ΄s language are returned:
curl -H "OCS-APIRequest: true" \
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Field | Type | Description |
id | int | Numeric identifier of the site |
name | string | Name of the site, ready to use |
url | string | URL that should be framed/linked to |
lang | string | Language code for which this link is valid (empty string means all languages) |
type | string | Can be one of link , settings or quota ; see this issue for details |
device | string | Can be one of '' , android , ios , desktop or browser (Added in version 2.0.3, check capabilities) |
icon | string | Full URL of the icon that should be shown next to the name of the link |
The API provides an ETag for the sites array. In case the ETag matches the given value, a 304 Not Modified
is delivered together with an empty response body.
The app registers a capability, so clients can check that before making the actual OCS request:
<?xml version="1.0"?>