This library helps you to make test easily.
Your test class should derive from BaseTest. T is the class under test All dependancies of your class under test is mocked. You can pass a real implementation of a dependencie instead of mock. You can retreive all mocked object with method Get and you can do all Moq stuff from it. You have the possibility to setup a method for your mock without know the parameters of this method.
Let's take an example :
We have a class PricerAppService that have 2 dependencies
public class PricerAppService : IPricerAppService
private readonly IPriceRepository _priceRepository;
private readonly IDontMock _dontMock;
public PricerAppService(IPriceRepository priceRepository, IDontMock dontMock)
_priceRepository = priceRepository;
_dontMock = dontMock;
public async Task SaveFuturPriceAsync()
decimal value = await _priceRepository.FindAsync();
decimal rate = _dontMock.GetRate();
await _priceRepository.InsertAsync(value * rate);
public int Get<T>()
return _priceRepository.Get<T>();
public class DontMock : IDontMock
public decimal GetRate() => 2;
Now we want to test our method SaveFuturPriceAsync. This is the test class :
public class PricerAppServiceTest : BaseTest<PricerAppService>
public PricerAppServiceTest()
IDontMock dontMock = new DontMock();
public async Task SaveFuturePrice()
Get<IPriceRepository>().SetupWithoutParamAsync("FindAsync", 5m);
await sut.SaveFuturPrice();
Get<IPriceRepository>().Verify(x => x.InsertAsync(10));
The line Create().ExcludeDependenciesToBeMock(dontMock).Build() is needed only if we don't want to mock a specific dependancie.
The line Get().SetupWithoutParamAsync("FindAsync", 5m) retreive the mock for IPriceRepository and indicate that mock should return 5 for method FindAsync no matters parametters pass on this method