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Ingesting data from DB into Database

Antoni Ivanov edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 18 revisions


In this example we will use the Versatile Data Kit to develop an ingestion Data Job. This job will read data from one local SQLite database and write it into another local SQLite database, thus creating a backup for a table.

Before you continue, make sure you are familiar with the Getting Started section of the wiki.


The relevant Data Job code is available here.

You can follow along and run this example Data Job on your machine to get first-hand experience working with Data Jobs; alternatively, you can use the available code as a template and extend it to make a Data Job that fits your use case more closely.


We will be using the chinook SQLite database. It is available here. Users of Unix-based operating systems can download it using the following commands, provided you have the curl and unzip tools installed:

curl >>
rm -r

You should now find a chinook.db file in the same directory that you downloaded the original zip file in.

Alternatively, Windows users can download the zip file through the provided link, and extract it in a convenient location.

NB: After downloading and extracting the chinook.db file, place it in your local directory (the Data Job parent directory), as otherwise the sqlite3 module will create a new file named chinook.db and display an error stating that it cannot find the necessary table in it.


If you have not done so already, you can install Versatile Data Kit and the plugins required for this example by running the following commands from a terminal:

pip install quickstart-vdk

Note that Versatile Data Kit requires Python 3.7+. See the main guide for getting started with quickstart-vdk for more details.

Ingestion requires us to set environment variables for:

  • the type of database in which we will be ingesting;
  • the ingestion method;
  • the ingestion target - the location of the target database - if this file is not present, ingestion will create it in the current directory. For this example, we will use vdk-sqlite.db file which will be created in the current directory;
  • the file of the default SQLite database against which vdk runs (same value as ingestion target in this case);
export VDK_INGEST_TARGET_DEFAULT=vdk-sqlite.db
export VDK_SQLITE_FILE=vdk-sqlite.db

Note: if you want to ingest data into another target (another database for example - Postgres, Trino), install the appropriate plugin using pip install vdk-plugin-name and change VDK_INGEST_METHOD_DEFAULT. See a list of plugins here

To see all possible configuration options use command vdk config-help

Data Job

The structure of our Data Job is as follows:

├── 10_drop_table.sql
├── 20_create_table.sql

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate how the user can query data from a source database and then ingest it to the target database. Our Data Job ingest-from-db-example-job uses local chinook.db SQLite database as source and local vdk-sqlite.db SQLite database as target where we create the backup table of the chinook employees table.

ingest-from-db-example-job consists of two SQL steps and one Python step. Note that VDK allows us the mix Python and SQL steps in whatever order we would prefer. The reason the step names are prefixed by numbers is that steps are executed in alphabetical order, so it is a good practice to prefix the steps with numbers, which makes their order clear both to Versatile Data Kit and to other users who might read through the Data Job.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS backup_employees;
CREATE TABLE backup_employees (
    EmployeeId INTEGER,
    LastName   NVARCHAR,
    FirstName  NVARCHAR,
    Title      NVARCHAR,
    ReportsTo  INTEGER,
    BirthDate  NVARCHAR,
    HireDate   NVARCHAR,
    Address    NVARCHAR,
    City       NVARCHAR,
    State      NVARCHAR,
    Country    NVARCHAR,
    PostalCode NVARCHAR,
    Phone      NVARCHAR,
    Fax        NVARCHAR,
    Email      NVARCHAR
import sqlite3

def run(job_input): db_connection = sqlite3.connect( "chinook.db" ) # if chinook.db file is not in your current directory, replace "chinook.db" with the path to your chinook.db file cursor = db_connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM employees") job_input.send_tabular_data_for_ingestion( cursor, column_names=[column_info[0] for column_info in cursor.description], destination_table="backup_employees", )
  • The first step deletes the backup table if it exists. This query only serves to make the Data Job repeatable;
  • The second step creates the backup table we will be inserting data into;
  • The third step makes a connection to the source database, queries data from it, and then ingests the returned data into the destination_table in the target database.

To run the Data Job, we navigate to the parent directory of the Job, and run the following command from a terminal:

vdk run ingest-from-db-example-job/

NB: If your current directory is not the parent directory of the Job, some command and path tweaks might be needed for the Job to complete successfully.

Upon successful completion of the Data Job, we should see a log similar to this:

Result logs
2021-09-01 13:31:00,021=1630492260[VDK] ingest-from-db-example-job [INFO ]    run_job         [OpId:1630492257-154210-b68194]- Data Job execution summary: {
  "data_job_name": "ingest-from-db-example-job",
  "execution_id": "1630492257-154210",
  "start_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.934062",
  "end_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.959046",
  "status": "success",
  "steps_list": [
      "name": "10_drop_table.sql",
      "type": "sql",
      "start_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.934125",
      "end_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.941691",
      "status": "success",
      "details": null,
      "exception": null
      "name": "20_create_table.sql",
      "type": "sql",
      "start_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.941803",
      "end_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.946523",
      "status": "success",
      "details": null,
      "exception": null
      "name": "",
      "type": "python",
      "start_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.946630",
      "end_time": "2021-09-01T10:30:57.958948",
      "status": "success",
      "details": null,
      "exception": null
  "exception": null

After running the Data Job, we can check whether the new backup table was populated correctly by using the sqlite-query command afforded to us by the vdk-sqlite plugin, which we can use to execute queries against the configured SQLite database (VDK_SQLITE_FILE environment variable) without having to set up a Data Job:

vdk sqlite-query -q 'SELECT * FROM backup_employees'

We should see the following output:

-  --------  --------  -------------------  -  -------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------  ----------  --  ------  -------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------------
1  Adams     Andrew    General Manager         1962-02-18 00:00:00  2002-08-14 00:00:00  11120 Jasper Ave NW          Edmonton    AB  Canada  T5K 2N1  +1 (780) 428-9482  +1 (780) 428-3457  [email protected]
2  Edwards   Nancy     Sales Manager        1  1958-12-08 00:00:00  2002-05-01 00:00:00  825 8 Ave SW                 Calgary     AB  Canada  T2P 2T3  +1 (403) 262-3443  +1 (403) 262-3322  [email protected]
3  Peacock   Jane      Sales Support Agent  2  1973-08-29 00:00:00  2002-04-01 00:00:00  1111 6 Ave SW                Calgary     AB  Canada  T2P 5M5  +1 (403) 262-3443  +1 (403) 262-6712  [email protected]
4  Park      Margaret  Sales Support Agent  2  1947-09-19 00:00:00  2003-05-03 00:00:00  683 10 Street SW             Calgary     AB  Canada  T2P 5G3  +1 (403) 263-4423  +1 (403) 263-4289  [email protected]
5  Johnson   Steve     Sales Support Agent  2  1965-03-03 00:00:00  2003-10-17 00:00:00  7727B 41 Ave                 Calgary     AB  Canada  T3B 1Y7  1 (780) 836-9987   1 (780) 836-9543   [email protected]
6  Mitchell  Michael   IT Manager           1  1973-07-01 00:00:00  2003-10-17 00:00:00  5827 Bowness Road NW         Calgary     AB  Canada  T3B 0C5  +1 (403) 246-9887  +1 (403) 246-9899  [email protected]
7  King      Robert    IT Staff             6  1970-05-29 00:00:00  2004-01-02 00:00:00  590 Columbia Boulevard West  Lethbridge  AB  Canada  T1K 5N8  +1 (403) 456-9986  +1 (403) 456-8485  [email protected]
8  Callahan  Laura     IT Staff             6  1968-01-09 00:00:00  2004-03-04 00:00:00  923 7 ST NW                  Lethbridge  AB  Canada  T1H 1Y8  +1 (403) 467-3351  +1 (403) 467-8772  [email protected]
-  --------  --------  -------------------  -  -------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------  ----------  --  ------  -------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------------

What's next

You can find a list of all Versatile Data Kit examples here.

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