NewsCop is a full-stack application developed by Team 8C as part of the Software Project course at the Technical University of Delft. The backend is built with Django, and the frontend is developed using React.js.
Our team consists of five dedicated and passionate computer science students who are highly motivated and committed to delivering an excellent product. Each team member brings a strong background in software development and has gained valuable experience through internships and other practical engagements such as personal projects. An overview of all us, with a small picture is shown below:
Team Member | Photo | ||
1. | Cristian Ciacu | [email protected] | |
2. | Diana Micloiu | [email protected] | |
3. | Matei Mirica | [email protected] | |
4. | Rares Toader | [email protected] | |
5. | Vlad Nitu | [email protected] |
- Project Overview
- Features
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Development Process
- Supporting Documents
- Running Tests
- Deployment
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
- Copyright
Our Software Project team built a news article overlap detection platform, a project proposed by Sourcer. The goal of this project was to create a unique approach to fight the problem of finding the overlap in news articles. To solve this problem, we have implemented a user-accessible website interface for inputting text or news article links for analysis, and a backend server capable of analysing and storing articles for future use.
The issue of identifying overlapping news articles became a course for concern in the media sector, as journalists frequently encounter time constraints and the demand to create unique and captivating content. The lack of such a tool at Sourcer and their core values, including: "Contributing to a more informed society", led the client to challenge us towards developing such a system.
Our application offers a range of features designed to provide a seamless and comprehensive experience for our users:
- Description: You can submit the URL of a news article, and you will be given an overlap analysis against the news articles we have stored in our database.
- Key Features:
- Feature 1: A visualisation shows how similar the input article is to that specific output article.
- Feature 2: We show up to the ten most similar articles in our database.
- Feature 3: You can choose what articles to see with the help of a slider that resembles the threshold for similarity. This means only articles that have a similarity above this threshold with the input article are shown.
- Usage: To use this service properly, you need to enter the URL of a news article that is in English and contains less than ~ 10000 characters.
- Description: Similar to
Service 1
, here you can submit the text of a news article, and you will be given the news articles that best resemble that text (having the highest similarity). The output is very similar to the one from the first service. - Key Features:
- Feature 1: The text box is expandable so that if you want to enter a large piece of text, you can expand it to see more of it.
- Feature 2: A visualisation shows how similar the input article is to that specific output article.
- Feature 3: We show up to the ten most similar articles in our database against the input text.
- Usage: Enter the text of the news article in the text box, then press the
- Description: You can enter text in two boxes and get an overlap analysis of the two texts.
- Key Features:
- Feature 1: The common words are highlighted automatically in both text boxes.
- Feature 2: The similarity level is shown together with visualisation.
- Feature 3: The text boxes are expandable if you want to enter large bodies of text.
- Usage: You enter text in the first and second text boxes and click
. Afterwards, you will be given the similarity level between the two texts, along with a highlight of common words in both text boxes.
- Description: You can enter two URLs of two news articles in the two input areas and get an overlap analysis of the two URLs.
- Key Features:
- Feature 1: The similarity level between the two news articles will be given alongside a visualisation.
- Feature 2: The two URLs can be compared directly by seeing a side-by-side render of them.
- Feature 3 Based on the publishing date, an estimate of who is likely to own the content is given.
- Usage: You are expected to enter a news article's URL in the first input area and another news article's URL in the second input area and then click
Our FAQs page provides answers to commonly asked questions about our application and services. The FAQs page is continually updated with new information to assist our users.
- Accessing the FAQs: To access the FAQs page, select "FAQs" in the navbar of footer, or follow this link:
- Submitting Questions: If you have a question that is not addressed in the FAQs, you can submit it by contacting us, and we will do our best to provide an answer.
Visit our website for more information and to explore all the features in detail:
This section aims to let future users know about the prerequisites (such as tools, libraries) of this project, as well as how to conduct installation process.
Our application has its backend, frontend and database deployed on the cloud. The backend and frontend are hosted on Heroku webservers, while the database lives on AWS RDS. For the ultimate experience in overlapping detection, check out our website.
The following two subsections: Prerequisites and Installation are addressed for developers that want to run the servers locally.
- Django backend server:
installed. All the dependencies needed by our system can be found inbackend/requirements.txt
. To install all the required dependencies on thebackend
server, run:
cd backend && pip install -r requirements.txt
- React.js frontend server:
installed. To install all the required dependencies on thefrontend
server, run:
cd frontend && npm install
- To setup the local development environment for
, run:
cd backend && python3 makemigrations && python3 migrate && python3 runserver
This should start the backend server on localhost:8000
, so on port 8000
- To setup the local development environment for
, run:
cd frontend && npm start
This should start the frontend server on localhost:3000
, so on port 3000
The features of our web application have been described in this section. To see a detailed use of our application, we invite you to watch our short demo.
The team opperated by following Agile methodologies, such as running weekly sprints and conducting sprint retrospectives to discuss about how each team member is progressing in solving the issues he / she was assigned to. Moreover, two additional weekly meetings occured: one with our TA, and the other one with the cient. The entire progress was recorded and sustained using TUDelft Self-Managed GitLab service, allowing the team to coordinate, stay on track and organise better. Moreover, it served as an effective means for the supervisors to track the project’s progress.
directory, you can
: a document that describes what scripts / commands to
: documents errors that we encountered several times, and how we managed to fix them by describing each issue on a standard template.- All the other sub-directories, each serving a specific purpose, such as: grouping agendas in
, presenting the design patterns that we've used through diagrams indesign-patterns
, etc.
directory, you can find: our Merge Request, Merge Review and Issue templates. -
Organisational document - Google Docs file in which we have documented different crucial or supporting documents, notes from our Brainstorms, Client and TA Meetings, etc. Please refer to it if you want to dive deeper into our progress.
We have followed an early-testing strategy while developing our software. Our test suite contains different types of automated tests, such as: unit tests, integration (for the frontend part) and E2E tests using cypress. Moreover, the server was rigurously manually checked during peer reviews to ensure the code quality matches our standards.
Unit tests are autoamitcally run on our GitLab CI/CD server for each created merge request, in order to not stress the server during each commit (as there are ~ 100 unit tests on the backend part, and ~ 75 unit tests on fronted). If you want to run these locally, use the following commands:
cd frontend && npm test
cd backend && python3 test app/tests
Integration tests can only be manually run via:
npx cypress open
, after having all the prerequisites installed. A Chrome web browser should open, and you should go on theE2E testing
feature, and afterwards click on each service's integration test suite and press the run button. Now, you should see howcypress
simulates the interaction with both our UI, and also the E2E incorporation with the backend server.
This section provides a guide on how to deploy the backend and frontend of our application separately on Heroku.
- Make sure you have a Heroku account. If you don't, sign up for a free account.
- Install Git if it's not already installed on your machine.
- Install the Heroku CLI and log in using your Heroku account credentials.
- Navigate to the backend directory:
cd path/to/backend-directory
- Initialize a Git repository if it's not already a repository:
git init
- Log in to Heroku:
heroku login
- Create a new Heroku app:
heroku create your-backend-app-name
- Add your changes to the Git repository:
git add .
andgit commit -m "Your commit message"
- Push the backend code to Heroku:
git push heroku master
- If needed, run migrations or setup tasks:
heroku run python3 migrate
- Open your backend app in the browser:
heroku open
- Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd path/to/frontend-directory
- Repeat steps 2 to 8 from the Backend Deployment section, but make sure to use a different app name for the frontend:
heroku create your-frontend-app-name ... git push heroku master ... heroku open
Whenever you make changes to the frontend or backend code that you want to deploy, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the directory (frontend or backend) where you made changes.
- Add and commit your changes:
git add .
andgit commit -m "Your commit message describing the changes"
- Push the changes to Heroku:
git push heroku master
- If needed, run any additional commands for your specific project (e.g., database migrations for backend).
- Check the live application to make sure the changes are reflected.
Note: Make sure you have the proper environment variables and configurations set up on Heroku for both the frontend and backend modules.
Happy deploying! If you encounter issues, check the Heroku logs for clues: heroku logs --tail
or refer to the Heroku documentation for help.
As there is always room for improvement, future contributors should consider the following guidelines:
- If you spot any bugs, please let us know in order to fix the product as soon as possible. Our emails can be found in the "Team members" section.
- If you have any idea that is relevant in improving our application, we are looking forward to hearing your proposals.
Thank you for considering to contribute!
Copyright (c) [2023] Sourcer.
All rights reserved.
This code and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the "No Sharing License" defined in this section.
- You MAY NOT redistribute this code or any subset of it.
- You MAY NOT use this code as your own or in any project, either source or binary form.
- You MAY NOT sublicense or sell copies of this code.
This software is provided "as is" without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of title, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.
For any questions, please contact Sourcer, as they are the rightful owners of the IP.
- For the e-mail addresses of the team members, please refer to the Team Members subsection.
- For contacting the Software Project staff, you can send an e-mail to this address.
- For contacting our client, Sourcer, you can refer to their personal website. More contact information can be found at the bottom of the main page, in the footer section.
Finally, we express our sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of this project. First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the team at Sourcer for their invaluable support and involvement throughout the development process. Their expertise was essential in shaping the project’s direction. Additionally, we would like to express our appreciation to our technical writing lecturer, Edwin van Lacum, for his guidance and for the continuous feedback that he provided, guiding us to writting a succesfuly academic report about our journey. Furthermore, we thank Codrin Socol, our dedicated Teaching Assistant, for providing valuable insights and suggestions. Lastly, we thank Dr. Megha Kohsla, our coach, for keeping us motivated throughout the process. The unwavering support of everyone has been instrumental in our expedition towards achieving excellence within the Software Project course.
2023 © Sourcer B.V. | KVK nummer: 87950030
2023 © Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
2023 © NewsCop