A pure C and libSDL port of a game Boing! from the very cute Code the Classics book. Boing! itself is a modernised Pong:
I wanted to play with SDL a bit but did not want to think about game design and assets issues. Code the Classics comes with a Github repo containing code in Python using the Pygame Zero, images, sounds and music I only had to port the logic itself.
I developed the port using GCC 9.3.0 and the popular libSDL 2.x, SDL_Mixer, SDL_Image libraries on Ubuntu 20.04. Having all of the libraries installed the following should work:
cd cboing
Pick a number of players.
Controls for player 1: up/down
or a/z
Controls for player 2: m/k
The code is free for all to use.
Assets are https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/.