A curated list of awesome Web (font, svg, whatever) Icons.
Inspired by the awesome list thing.
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- iconmonstr - Discover over 3000 free simple icons in varius collections.
- TheNounProject - Search over 150,000 icons designed by creators from arround the world.
- svg-icon - An ultimate svg icons collection done right, with over 4,000 SVG icons out of the box.
- icons8 - 63,900 Free Flat Icons.
- flaticon - 1,468,000 vector icons grouped in 30,310 packs.
- Streamline - 100,000 icons, illustrations and emoji for all your projects.
- IconSear.ch - SVG icon search engine with over 76,000 icons indexed.
- LogoSear.ch - SVG logo search engine with over 200,000 logos indexed.
- iconarchive - Professional tag based icon search engine with more than 600,000 icons.
- Simple icons - Over 1000 Free SVG icons for popular brands.
- Devicon - A set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools. You can use it as a font or directly copy/paste the svg code into your project.
- Feather - A collection of simply beautiful open source icons.
- Font Awesome - Scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.
- Foundation Icon Fonts 2
- Foundation Icon Fonts 3 - A custom collection of 283 icons.
- Glyphicons - Is a library of precisely prepared monochromatic icons and symbols, created with an emphasis to simplicity and easy orientation.
- Govicons - Gov Icons is a font and CSS toolkit with 115 government themed icons.
- Heroicons - A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
- icoMoon - 490+ free Icons.
- IconSweets2 - Is a huge set containing over 1,000 custom designed icons. IconSweets 2 will quench your icon thirst for all your iPhone, iPad & Android apps or new web projects.
- Ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic Framework.
- Octicons - All GitHub's icons.
- RPG-Awesome - A fantasy themed font and CSS toolkit.
- Google Material Design Icons, by Google - Official Google Material Design Icons.
- uiw-icons - The premium icon font for UIW Framework.
- zondicons - A set of free premium SVG icons for you to use on your digital products.
- Icofont - 2100+ free icons to spice up your creative designs.
- CoreUI Icons - Premium designed free icon set with marks in SVG, Webfont and raster formats.
- Bootstrap Icons - Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.
- teenyicons - Tiny minimal 1px icons designed to fit in the smallest places.
- DevUI Icons, by Huawei Cloud - DevUI font icons.
- Ant Design Icons, by Ant Financial - ⭐ Ant Design SVG Icons.
- Boxicons - Boxicons is a simple vector icons set carefully crafted for designers and developers to use in your next project.
- Eva Icons - Eva Icons is a pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons for common actions and items.
- Jam Icons - Jam icons is a set of icons designed for web projects, illustrations, print projects, etc. Shipped in JavaScript, font & SVG versions.
- Remix Icon - Remix Icon is a set of open-source neutral-style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers.
- Themify Icons - Themify Icons is a complete set of icons for use in web design and apps, consisting of 320+ pixel-perfect, hand-crafted icons that draw inspiration from Apple iOS 7.
- SuperTinyIcons - Miniscule SVG versions of website and app logos, under 1KB each.
- Pepicons - Pepicons is a completely original 80s themed set of hand-crafted icons, made in two retro variants: Pop! and Print ❏
- css.gg - Open-source CSS, SVG, and Figma UI Icons available in SVG Sprite, styled-components, NPM & API
- Iconic.app - Free, “do wtf you want with” pixel-perfect SVG icons
- Mono Icons - A simple, consistent open-source icon set designed to be used in a wide variety of digital products
- Material Design Icons - 6200+ Material Design Icons from the Community
- Evil Icons - Free ‘plug and play’ set of SVG icons designed specifically for web projects
- Lineicons - 532 Line Icons for Designers and Developers
- Line Awesome - Is a free alternative for Font Awesome 5.11.2. It consists of ~1380 flat icons that offer complete coverage of the main Font Awesome icon set
- VectorLogoZone - Over 3,500 consistently formatted SVG logos.
- Icons8 Line Awesome - Swap Font Awesome for modern line icons in one line of code.
- Akar Icons - Perfectly rounded icon library made for designers and developers as React components.
- Tabler Icons - A set of over 1500 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.
- Lucide - A fork of Feather Icons with more than 500 additional icons.
- Flowbite Icons - Open-source collection of over 430+ solid and outline icons built for Tailwind CSS and Figma.
- Phosphor Icons - Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really.
- StateFace - All 50 states plus D.C. and a wee continental U.S. map.
- flag-icon-css - A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration.
- Mono Social Icons Font
- Social Share Kit - Social network icons, share buttons, share count, floating/sticky button bar and popups.
- Zocial - Sass and Compass CSS3 social buttons framework.
- Meteocons - 40+ icons available in PSD, CSH, EPS, SVG, Desktop font and Web font.
- Weather 7 Icon Font Set - A complete set of 60 weather icons inspired by iOS 7.
- Weather Icons - 222 Weather Themed Icons and CSS.
- Bitcoin-Icons - Bitcoin Icons is an open-source/open-design set of icons made for Bitcoin centric applications.
- CMC Cryptocurrency Icons - all the cryptocurrency icons available on coinmarketcap.
- Cryptocurrency Icons - over 6000 crypto currencies icons in 4 styles and a range of sizes. Completely free.
- PaymentFont - A sleek webfont containing 95 icons of all main payment operators and methods.
- fontello - Icon fonts generator.
- svg-icon - Select as many SVG icons as you need, and download as an SVG symbols sprite file.
- svgtofont - Read a set of SVG icons and ouput a TTF/EOT/WOFF/WOFF2/SVG font.
- Orion icon library - Generate icon fonts or download icons in multiple formats.