An antenna rotator controlled using MQTT statements.
The antenna rotator was 3d printed using this repository I will be making some edits to the model for some extra support on the EL stepper motor - once updated will attched those files.
This is very still a work in progress - and i'm not good at coding!
Adafruit motorkit - pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-motorkit
Paho Mqtt - pip3 install paho.mqtt.client
for manual publishing mqtt az el apt install mosquitto-clients
another terminal to manally move it - mosquitto_pub -h "Mosquitto Broker" -t rotator -m "'EL' 'AZ'"
format it expects to see is el dregrees then a space then az dregrees for example "27.2 148.5"
- add park function (move to park position)
- add stop function (stop at current position)
- add reset function (reset current degrees to 0)
- add threading for multiple motor movement and updating values whilst moving