This is a collection of all my Frontend Mentor challenge solutions. Click here to view the solutions in the Frontend Mentor website.
- Create a library of the projects I have created
- Display my solutions to the challenges
- To continue honing my skills in frontend web development by undertaking these projects
- To practice writing documentations
From the website:
We[Frontend Mentor] provide front-end challenges that include professional web designs. These allow you to practice building websites in a realistic workflow. Taking these challenges will help you improve your skills, gain experience creating websites, and build up an incredible project portfolio. We also have a large community of developers, so it's a great way to meet other devs!
To view the project's source code, live demo, and/or direct link to its challenge, please click on the respective links below.
- Order summary component - Repo | Live | Challenge
- a single block of an order summary card made with HTML and CSS
- QR code component - Repo | Live | Challenge
- a single block of a QR code card made with HTML and CSS
- Social proof section - Repo | Live | Challenge
- a single page social proof section made with HTML and CSS
🔄 In progress
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
I am open for code reviews! Any tips and/or feedback are greatly appreciated! Please help me git gud.