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The template system of C++ is strong enough to be able to express a class of compile time computations. This "feature" has been exploited for generic programming as well as for precomuptation of various lookup tables and so on.

A classic example is a compile time factorial:

template <int n>
struct factorial
	enum { value = n * factorial<n - 1>::value };

template <>
struct factorial<0>
	enum { value = 1 };

(code from Wikipedia article on template metaprogramming)

This language takes this idea to the extreme. norri compiles a small functional language with Haskell-like syntax into a templated C++ code that can be compiled and "run" at compile time - much like the example above.


This is a grammar for the language (parens and operator precedence omitted for brevity):

module ::= top-level ";" module | λ

type ::= type "->" type  -- Function type.
       | type type       -- Type application.
       | name            -- Type constructor.
       | ty-var          -- Type variable.

top-level ::= data-def | value-def | type-sig | assumption

data-def    ::= empty-dd | nonempty-dd
empty-dd    ::= "data" ty-con           -- No constructors.
nonempty-dd ::= "data" ty-con "=" cons  -- At least one constructor.

ty-con  ::= name ty-vars  -- Name of the type constructor followed
                          -- by type variables.

ty-vars ::= ty-var ty-vars | λ

cons   ::= con "|" cons | con
con    ::= name fields       -- Constructor name followed by field types.
fields ::= type fields | λ   -- Types of all fields.

value-def ::= name vars "=" expr

expr ::= var
       | "\" var vars "->" expr -- Lambda abstraction.
       | expr expr              -- Application.
       | "let" decls "in" expr  -- Local definitions.
       | expr ":" type          -- Explicit type.
       | natural                -- Number literal.
       | "True" | "False"       -- Boolean literal.
       | prefix expr            -- Prefix operator.
       | expr infix expr        -- Infix operator.

decls ::= value-def ";" decls | value-def

prefix ::= "~"  -- Unary minus.
         | "!"  -- Unary negation.

infix ::= "*"  | "/"  | "%"  | "+" | "-" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
        | "==" | "/=" | "&&" | "^" | "||"

vars ::= var vars | λ

type-sig ::= name ":" type

assumption ::= "assume" name ":" type

Inside an expression, names starting with a lower case letter refer to variables, while names starting with an upper case letter refer to constructors. In a type, lower case names refer to type variables and upper case names to type constructors.

let, in, data, True, False and fix are reserved keywords. Since we are compiling the code into C++, all C++ keywords are also reserved in this language with the addition that upper case names cannot be used as type constructors if their lower case variant conflicts with a C++ keyword.

-- are line comments and {- -} are multiline comments. For more information about the grammar, check the modules Compiler.Lexer and Compiler.Parser.


Norri is basically a lambda calculus with Hindley-Milner type system, recursion and a few extra constructs - let and data.

Higher-order functions and currying are fully supported. Recursion is only supported in the form of implicit transformation to the fixed point operator fix. Other forms of recursion (such as mutual or polymorphic recursion) are not supported.

The language is parsed and processed in a strictly top-down manner, which means that defined value or data type can only be used in the part of the code that follows its definition - with the exception that the name of the defined value (type) is in scope in the following expression (constructors). This is also true for local definitions inside let.

Pattern matching is not supported since we cannot guarantee correct evaluation in the resulting C++ code. Instead, definition of a data type automatically defines an eliminator. As an example:

data D a b = A a | B b (D a b) | C

-- Automatically defined.
d : (a -> z) -> (b -> D a b -> z) -> z -> D a b -> z

The eliminator d has following runtime behaviour:

d f g h (A x)   => f x
d f g h (B x y) => g x y
d f g h (C)     => h

The name of these eliminators is given by the name of the type constructor - the first letter of its name is converted to lower case.


Freshly generated code will contain references to fix, __data and also possible built-in functions (int operations, bool operations, etc). To be able to use the resulting code, a runtime has to be included.

The inclusion is as simple as copying the runtime directory to wherever the resulting code is. You can also control the include location using the compiler flag -i or --includedir, which changes the #include directives in the generated code. Standalone code can also be created using the flag -a or --addruntime, which causes the compiler to copy the runtime into each generated file.

The runtime has two parts: runtime/fix.hpp is a template that implements the fixed point combinator fix and is needed whenever the original code contains recursion. runtime/data.hpp contains templates and structures needed for correct implementation of user defined data types; it also contains definitions of built-in types (Int and Bool) and various functions that operate with values of these types.

To allow easy integration with existing metaprogramming code, the language supports an abstract type Type which represents a C++ type and assume construct which allows to bring in scope values that can be defined elsewhere.

For example, if we have operation add_ptr implemented on the C++ level:

struct add_ptr
    struct type
        template <typename T>
        struct app
            using type = typename T::type*;

We can easily bring this operation in scope by writing:

assume add_ptr : Type -> Type

Built-in functions

The language comes equipped with some predefined functions.

neg   : Int -> Int
plus  : Int -> Int -> Int
minus : Int -> Int -> Int
mul   : Int -> Int -> Int
div   : Int -> Int -> Int
rem   : Int -> Int -> Int
eq    : Int -> Int -> Bool
neq   : Int -> Int -> Bool
lt    : Int -> Int -> Bool
le    : Int -> Int -> Bool
gt    : Int -> Int -> Bool
ge    : Int -> Int -> Bool
not_  : Bool -> Bool
and_  : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or_   : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor_  : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
if_   : Bool -> a -> a -> a

Some of those functions also have their infix or prefix variant for more readable code. Note that the pretty printer will always print their full name.

prefix 7  ~   = neg
prefix 7  !   = not
infixl 6  *   = mul
infixl 6  /   = div
infixl 6  %   = rem
infixl 5  +   = plus
infixl 5  -   = minus
infix  4  <   = lt
infix  4  <=  = le
infix  4  >   = gt
infix  4  >=  = ge
infix  4  ==  = eq
infix  4  /=  = neq
infixr 3  &&  = and_
infixr 2  ^   = xor_
infixr 1  ||  = or_


The compiler is usually used with the following command:

norri -o output input

This type checks the file input and if no error is found, it complies the source into C++ code and writes it into output.

If -a is used, the user shoud also specify the location of the runtime using -i:

norri -a -i path/to/runtime -o output input

The resulting code can be used either directly (if the defined value is not a function) - the computed type is available inside an inner type type.

a : Int;
a = 4

-- Resulting C++ code.
struct a { ... };

a::type        == Int<4>
a::type::value ==     4

User defined types are encoded in a more complex way:

__data<constructor-number, field1, ..., fieldN>

Where constructor-number is given by the order in which constructors of its type are defined. For example:

data T = A  -- 0
       | B  -- 1
       | C  -- 2

The value itself can again be accessed using the inner type type:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a);

a : List Int;
a = Cons 1 Nil

-- Resulting C++ code.
struct a { ... };

a::type == __data<1, Int<1>, __data<0>>
--                ^  ^       ^      ^
--                |  |       |      |
--            Cons´  |       |      `Nil
--           field 1´        `field 2

Functions contain inner template app. The template argument of app is the argument to the function and it should contain inner type type describing the actual value. For example, this is not valid:


Instead, the type int must be wrapped:

template <typename T>
struct wrap
    using type = T;

add_ptr::type::app<wrap<int>>::type == int*
// or
apply<add_ptr, wrap<int>> == int*

You can also create your own functions. See add_ptr above or look at the built-in functions in runtime/data.hpp.

Supported compilers

So far, the following compilers have been tested and can successfully compile the output of norri:

  • gcc (any version with C++17 support)

  • clang (any version with C++17 support)

Other compilers with correct support of C++17 might also work.


Suppose we want to figure out greatest common divisor of few numbers and we'd like to compute the answer at compile time (so that we can use it to declare an array of that size, for example).

As a first step, we'll write the code in our language. To compute greatest common divisor of two numbers we can use Euclid's algorithm:

gcd : Int -> Int -> Int;
gcd x y =
    -- Euclid's algorithm.
    let go a b = if_ (b == 0) a (go b (a % b))
    in  go (abs x) (abs y)

Absolute value of a number can be defined easily:

abs : Int -> Int;
abs n = if_ (n < 0) (~n) n

Now, we must define a list. Simple singly linked list will do:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

This not only gives us constructors, but it also gives us an eliminator that can be used to perform case analysis:

Nil  : List a;
Cons : a -> List a -> List a;

list : z                   -- Case for empty list.
    -> (a -> List a -> z)  -- Case for nonempty list.
    -> List a              -- Input list.
    -> z                   -- Result.

With list, we can easily implement right fold:

foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b;
foldr f z = list z \x xs -> f x (foldr f z xs)

To compute greatest common divisor of a list of numbers, we take GCD of first two, then GCD of the result and third number, and so on. The base case is 0, since gcd n 0 == n:

gcds = foldr gcd 0

Now we move to the C++ part. First, we compile the previous code:

norri -o gcd.hpp gcd.nri

This gives us a structure named gcds which has inner template type::app that can be used to compute the GCD. However, it takes the list in the representation produced by compiler, which is rather verbose. To help with that, we'll implement a helper template to convert from one representation to the other.

Here's the encoding (see previous section):

Nil       ==  __data<0>
Cons a b  ==  __data<1, a, b>

Ideally, we'd like to simply write ints_to_list<a, b, c, ...>. This gives us only once choice for ints_to_list:

template <int... i>
struct ints_to_list;

Now we have two cases to consider. If the argument list is empty, we'll simply return Nil:

template <>
struct ints_to_list<>
    using type = __data<0>;

If the argument list contains at least one number, we must return Cons. First field is simply the number. Second field is given by recursively using ints_to_list on the rest of template arguments:

template <int i, int... j>
struct ints_to_list<i, j...>
    using type = __data<1, Int<i>, typename ints_to_list<j...>::type>;

Since ints_to_list already contains inner type type, we can directly use it in the app template without needing any wrapper structure.

gcds::type::app<ints_to_list<100, 80, 64>>::type::value
// or
apply<gcds, ints_to_list<100, 80, 64>>::value

It's also possible to use the computed values to initialize arrays. We'll start with a function generating Fibonacci numbers.

-- List as defined above.
fib : Int -> List Int;
fib =
    let go a b n = if_ (n <= 0) Nil (Cons a (go b (a + b) (n - 1)))
    in  go 0 1

-- fib 5 == Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))))

In the first example, we have a C++ template ints_to_list which converts a variadic template into encoded list. Here, we need the other direction. Let us start with a simple container for template parameters.

template <typename...>
struct pack
{ };

We can manipulate this container using template specialization. For this example, the only operation we'll need is prepending a new element.

template <typename, typename>
struct add_front;

template <typename T, typename... U>
struct add_front<T, pack<U...>>
    using type = pack<T, U...>;

// add_front<int, pack<char>> == pack<int, char>

Converting the encoded representation into this container is simply a matter of recursively traversing the encoded list, prepending elements to the container as we go.

template <typename T>
struct to_pack;

// Nil case.
template <>
struct to_pack<__data<0>>
    using type = pack<>;

// Cons case.
template <typename T, typename U>
struct to_pack<__data<1, T, U>>
    // Recursively convert the tail and prepend the head.
    using type = typename add_front<T, typename to_pack<U>::type>::type;

After the conversion, the container can be used to initialize an array using the variadic template expansion.

// Contains static array, initialized by the template parameter.
template <typename>
struct pack_to_array;

template <typename... T>
struct pack_to_array<pack<T...>>
    static int array[];

template <typename... T>
int pack_to_array<pack<T...>>::array[] = { T::value... };
// T::value... extracts the constant named value from every template
// parameter

After we compile the fib function, we can put all these templates together to obtain an array initialized purely at compile time.

using fibs = pack_to_array<to_pack<apply<fibs, Int<10>>>::type>;

// ...

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    std::cout << fibs::array[i] << "\n";


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