Used to get OIDC JWT token from authority with client_credentials
grant type and oidc
Install npm package:
npm install oidc-utils-nestjs
Import module into your appication
``` // app.module.ts import { OidcUtilsModule } from 'oidc-utils-nestjs'; ```
3 Register module import
@Module({ imports: [ OidcUtilsModule.forRoot({ authority: 'https://yourOIDCAuthority/', // or well-know clientId: '<CLIENT_ID>', clientSecret: '<CLIENT_Secret>', refreshBeforeExpire: 30, // Refresh token before it expired in sec. Optional value. Default: 30 sec. Value 0 - means don't refresh it automatically. logActivity: false, // Log debug messages into console. Optional value. Default: false }), ], }) export class AppModule {} ```
This module will 'provide' TokenUtils
In your consumer class register DI TokenUtils
(via constructor or other way) and use TokenUtils instance methods in your class functions:
export class AppController {
constructor(private _tokenUtils: TokenUtils,) {}
async getHello(): string {
const token = await this._tokenUtils.tokenAsync(); //valid access token. You don't need to check validity explicitly
const discoveryInfo = await this._tokenUtils.discoAsync(); // your IDP well-known
const httpHeader = await this._tokenUtils.authHeaderAsync(); //this will return HTTP auth header with valid token.
Returns discovery data from your authority. See well-known spec.
Returns valid (not expired) TokenSet
Returns string ready for http client header = Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIn....