Basic templates for javascript with code logic execution
The following illustrates a simple use case:
var template = new Cyllene("Good evening, {{name}}. {{ say.greeting() }}.");
name: "Daniel",
say: {
greeting: function() {
return "Welcome back"
The output of the render method will be Good evening, Daniel. Welcome back.
Text wrapped in double curly brackets ({{
) is implicitly escaped, whereas in triple ({{{
) is not.
var template = new Cyllene("Good evening, {{name}}. {{{ greeting }}}.");
name: "<script>alert('x')</script>",
greeting: "<b>Hi there</b>"
In this case the output will be Good evening, <script>alert('x')</script>. <b>Hi there</b>.
Text encased in {%
is useful for logic statements, and as such it's not printed.
For visibility the control's structure opening brace may be replaced with a colon (:
) and the closing brace with endif;
, endfor;
var template = new Cyllene("\
{% if(currentUser.state == 'banished'): %} \
You're not allowed to view this page.\
{% else: %} \
Welcome back {{ }}.\
{% endif; %}\
Helpers may be defined as follows:
Cyllene.helpers.capitalize = function(text) {
return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
Calling the helpers is as simple as:
var template = new Cyllene("Hi there, {{ capitalize(firstName) }}");
This package is licensed under the MIT license and/or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.