DataBeam provides a software solution to quickly set up complex measurement setups where data from multiple devices need to be synchronized and recorded simultaneously.
It provides a scalable, easy and standardized method to integrate different types of data inputs and algorithms into a centralized system. DataBeam can support anything from low level hardware drivers to AI processing pipelines to create a unified acquisition framework which can be accessed conveniently via a web browser. Its web UI offers an intuitive interface for on-the-edge device management and monitoring from anywhere.
Core Features:
Combine any devices to form a complete data acquisition system.
- Unified output data format (MCAP) and live-data
- Timestamp synchronization
- Fast & efficient implementation
Diverse use cases and fast integration
- Interfaces can be USB, Ethernet, CAN-bus, RS-485, etc. - everything which can be connected to a computer.
- Combine data acquisition, real-time data processing and test bench control.
- Documented code templates are available in Python and C++ to quickly start with development.
Intuitive and easy to use
- Run the system on any Linux-computer from Raspberry Pi to a workstation.
- A web-interface allows easy access to dedicated lab-PC or embedded device running DataBeam 24/7 for unattended automation.
- External time synchronization by GPS 1PPS, PTP or NTP.
(let's assume the stack is installed and running - see Development/Deployment)
For a quick spin, follow the Quickstart document.
DataBeam may be running locally on a workstation or on an embedded Linux device --> navigate to the hostname at port 5000: e.g.: http://localhost:5000
You are greeted by the login screen. Default credentials are user: databeam
and password: default
. Change or extend the credentials in the docker-compose.yml
After successful login, the web-interface will be available:
The modules overview allows to:
- start/stop sampling or capturing to file-system
- modify the configuration of individual modules
- configure live data (file capturing, forward all samples or set maximum live frequency)
- view live preview data (numeric or images)
- view documentation of modules
Other tabs offer listing and download of measurement data and system information (logs, restart options, etc.).
The DataBeam stack consists of multiple core and extension Docker containers forming a flexible microservice architecture.
Use-case specific configurations are built using Docker Compose and a .env configuration.
- module registration
- handle requests to start/stop sampling or capturing
- manage GUI messages
- offer commands to start/stop sampling or capturing
- configure modules
- query latest data
- list DAQ directories and files
- download files
- implement a specific device to collect data
- subscribe to other modules live-data and perform calculations
- use template to quickly set up new module
- provided callbacks offer complete stack functionality
- single function call hands data over to stack and provides DAQ and live data
Multiple IO-Modules and algorithms may be added to the docker-compose.yml file at will. All "extensions" register with the controller and are listed in the web-dashboard provided by the REST-API.
Since all modules are given a separate config and data directory, any type of data may be saved in addition to the defaults (JSON for config, meta-data and MCAP for data).
Measurement-start synchronization is provided by the stack: during a preparation phase the controller waits for all modules. After successful preparation, a "start" broadcast is issued simultaneously to all modules.
The stack is configured in the .env
file to use /opt/databeam
(default) as it's base directory.
Configuration files, DAQ- and metadata-files are structured like this:
|- .env
|- docker-compose.yml
|- config
|- DEPLOY_VERSION (Docker tag)
|- config.json
|- data_config.json
|- other-module
|- ...
|- data
|- YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.sss_RUN-ID_RUN-TAG
|- meta.json
|- module_meta.json
|- other-module
|- ...
|- 2024-01-31_14-56-46.207_02_demo-drive
|- ...
: configuration of individual moduledata_config.json
: capturing and live data configuration
: general metadata like start-/stop-time, run-id/-tag, hostname, etc.module_meta.json
: module specific metadataMODULE_NAME.mcap
: MCAP file storing DAQ data
Please consult the development document for more details on how to create custom extensions and run the stack as a developer.
The makefile offers a lot of documentation for options. Just run make
to get help.
For more details, please consult the deployment document.
- official homepage:
Quickly inspect data as JSON:
mcap-linux-amd64 cat Ping.mcap --json
List channels:
mcap-linux-amd64 list channels Ping.mcap
List schemas:
mcap-linux-amd64 list schemas Ping.mcap
General infos about file:
mcap-linux-amd64 info Ping.mcap
Merge multiple MCAP files:
mcap-linux-amd64 merge $(find ./ -type f -name "Ping.mcap" | sort) -o combined.mcap
And more ...
- PlotJuggler:
- very good for quick plotting of numeric data
- Lichtblick:
- supports plotting of numeric data, camera images and geo-locations
- fork of Foxglove Studio by BMW-Group
- Foxglove Studio:
- supports plotting of numeric data, camera images and geo-locations
allows easy parsing of MCAP files to numpy-arrays (including caching for faster re-opening).
converts MCAP files to CSV files.
TODO: further documentation and examples
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt
file for more information.
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH:
Project Lead: Peter Sammer - [email protected]
This repository contains only public open-source components:
We gladly offer support, custom installations and extensions for devices, test-benches, experiments and more.
Many devices are already supported like NI, Digilent, etc. - contact for details.
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH has received funding within COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy, the Province of Styria (Dept. 12) and the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG). The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has been authorised for the programme management.
Thanks to the following open-source projects: