This repository contains code for a simple bank service written completely in Go, supporting the following operations:
- Create and manage bank accounts, which are composed of owner’s name, balance, and currency.
- Record all balance changes to each of the account. So every time some money is added to or subtracted from the account, an account entry record will be created.
- Perform a money transfer between 2 accounts. This should happen within a transaction, so that either both accounts’ balance are updated successfully or none of them are.
brew install golang-migrate
brew install sqlc
go install[email protected]
Start postgres container:
make postgres
Create simple_bank database:
make createdb
Run db migration up all versions:
make migrateup
Run db migration up 1 version:
make migrateup1
Run db migration down all versions:
make migratedown
Run db migration down 1 version:
make migratedown1
DB Schema:
API Schema:
Generate SQL CRUD with sqlc:
make sqlc
Generate DB mock with gomock:
make mock
Run server:
make server
Run test:
make test