AngularJS wrapper for
Documentation pending. I'll do it. Eventually
Run the command bower install --save ngMaterialize
and add a script reference to bower_components/ngMaterialize/dist/ngMaterialize.js
How to use the modal: (I only have the modal for now, but more will be added)
// add the ngMaterialize as a dependency in your module
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngMaterialize']);
app.controller('controller', ['$modal', function($modal){
var modalOptions = {
controller: 'modalController',
templateUrl: 'view.html',
params: { sample: 'anything' }
$; // returns an angular promise
app.controller('modalController', ['$modalInstance', '$scope', function($modalInstance, $scope){
var params = $modalInstance.params; // get from the params in the options
$modalInstance.close('result') // resolve the promise
$modalInstance.dismiss('reason') // rejects the promise