This repository contains the codes of a Photovoltaic Didactic Kit developed as a graduation work.
The goal of this project is to teach how photovoltaic energy is generated by showing the caracteristic curve of voltage by current and how the sunshine strenght and the angle of ilumination affect the generation.
The constructions meant to be easy to replicate, using widely known boards as Arduino Board and its shields
Didactic Kit Discritpion:
Solar panel Light Source
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60° angle (180 - 120) 90° angle (180 - 90)
A structure holds and turns a 5W solar panel over its axis through a servo motor to simulate sun movement
and also control the instensity of 4 bulp lamps to simulate sunshine strenght. The source light angle and the light instensity is set by an user through an user interface conected with Arduino board by TCP/IP protocol, managed by the Wiznet W5100 controler the system comunicate and send back to the user the data of the curve to the choosen light angle and light intensity parameters.